Just finished Conceal Carry II tonight

All of these classes are held at our Holliston facility.

I can attest that Mac is still quite alive LOL

He really does a great job with the classes. I've been taking each of them recently and have been getting a lot out of them.


Are the concealed carry courses geared more toward semi-autos than revolvers? I'm interested in taking the classes but usually carry a wheel gun.
In the classes I have attended I have seen people use both. I can definitely say they are not geared to favor either. It's probably more accurate to say that the class is geared to helping you effectively utilize whatever handgun you choose to carry. The class also helps you understand the limitations of both your gun and other equipment. If you haven't taken any of the classes I definitely recommend taking concealed carry II first. It's a great class and if I had the opportunity to take any of the classes multiple times that would be the class I would take.

All of these classes are held at our Holliston facility.

I can attest that Mac is still quite alive LOL

He really does a great job with the classes. I've been taking each of them recently and have been getting a lot out of them.


Mac was a lot of fun to teach with!
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