So as you can read just moved back here, did a 5 year stint in the Marines and spent some time in VA afterwards. First off, wow has this state gotten way worse. What the hell, wasnt it bad enough? I recently learned of a program offered here called "The Welcome Home Bonus", it is geared towards veterans who enlisted from MA after 9/11. This bonus is a tax free check cut to you from the state of MA for honorable service, mine was in the amount of 1500, not sure if that varies. From my understanding the only qualification needed are that you enlisted out of MA, finished your service honorably and had deployed while in. I haven't confirmed the last requirement yet as I deployed for OIR and OPE, but I have heard of those who haven't deployed not getting it. Not sure how valid those claims are, regardless just go to your local town/city hall and inquire about the "Welcome Home Bonus", and they should be able to direct you on how to fill it out. Figured I would share this as its not common knowledge , and considering if your experience was anything like mine MA bent you over for taxes while you were in so here is a chance to get some of it back. Ill drop a link here at the bottom. Also if anyone here is a blacksmith or knife maker and woudlnt mind showing me the ropes I would greatly appreciate it. I was involved in a Vet run program for knife making in VA and loved it, looking to try to get back into something like that.
Last remark, God Bless those poor bastards here who are paying 1500 for stripped Olympic lowers, what a sad state of affairs this state has become.
Last remark, God Bless those poor bastards here who are paying 1500 for stripped Olympic lowers, what a sad state of affairs this state has become.

Global War on Terrorism Welcome Home Bonus (post-9/11 Servicemembers)
A bonus for active or discharged veterans who have served after September 11, 2001.