Just Picked up my New LTC-A Today


Retired Zoomie
NES Life Member
NES Member
Apr 29, 2005
Western Mass
Feedback: 104 / 0 / 0
My old license was due to expire on 9/1/06. Got the CHSB mailing about three months ago. Downloaded the application form and spent 10 minutes filling it out. Dropped it off at the local PD about Jul 14. Got a call ten days later to come in on Jul 28 to sign and get my pic and the finger print. Spent 15 minutes there, mostly trying to get my print to register. Got a call today, 20 days later, that it was in. This was the easiest renewal I've ever had.

Restrictions: None
Town? ALP? Is it on the link with towns in green/red/black? It is the small credit card sized one, right? Is your picture tiny? Congrats.
I live in South Hadley. When I moved here in 1995 my license (from Chicopee) had the "Target and Hunting" restriction. The then Chief gave me a typed/signed piece of paper changing it to "Personal Protection" saying that I had a duty to protect my family. Ever since then my licenses have allowed CCW.
Town? ALP? Is it on the link with towns in green/red/black? It is the small credit card sized one, right? Is your picture tiny? Congrats.

My mug shot came out so scary looking that I was afraid that they wouldn't issue me my LTC "A." Also, not able to get a good fingerprint[rolleyes]
A happy ending, however.
WOW... He's not even restricted to 'Lawful Purposes'. (^_^)

By the way Frosty, Nice B-day. My LTC also expired on Sept 1.

And thanks for the reminder to go pick up my new one, I think they called a week or so ago.

Joys of living out here in the sticks. Most of our chiefs are gun friendly.[smile] Even our new chief.
While it's always great to get an unrestricted license without having to jump through all sorts of illegal hoops, there may be one downside to the story. If you got it a couple of weeks before the 9/1 expiration date, then your new license is probably good for 5 years plus a couple of weeks. Under the best circumstances, the licensing authority will make sure that the renewal is dated on your birthday, so that you get the full six years. I hope that's what you got.

Under the best circumstances, the licensing authority will make sure that the renewal is dated on your birthday, so that you get the full six years. I hope that's what you got.

They did just that.
Date of Issue: 09/01/2006
Expiration Date: 09/01/2012

Of course I did get screwed last time, by a clerical error my license was only good for three years (did not realize the goof until several months later). But then they stretched the time limit and only charged me the $25 when they could have charged the $100.

Which brings up the trivia question of the day:

Is this license valid from today through 08/31/06?
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