KAG Arms


I love the ammo prices at KAG. I gott MA permission slip about a year ago and I have purchased all my ammo (except 2 boxes) from KAG. He is always around the same price as Target Sport for what I am looking for. The best part is I get to pay cash so I do not have the paper trail.

(Guess I just ruined that. Hello to my FBI agent, hope you are having a wonderful long weekend.)

On a side note, from where I live, taking the backroads is a wonderful ride.
Went to KAG Arms today to pick up something… damn the place was packed. Highly recommended to anyone, great value and a very nice guy.
Deranged leftist DimocRATS... the very best gun salespeople ever! [laugh]

Incidentally, I'm old enough to remember when a certain gun shop always being "packed" was considered a big negative on NES. :oops:

Funny how times change. [cheers]
All I know is that I committed to buy something from him, comms got crossed and
he mistakenly sold it to someone else.

I roll in a few days later, the store is totally jammed w/ customers, he sees me (and
he doesn't know me from Adam), he immediately pulls out the item from under the counter,
we exchange $ and I'm out in less than 1 minute. Impressive :) And he usually has some great
stories or banter!

Disclaimer: No Chris's were hurt in the creation of this post.
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