Kahr K9 Problem

Nov 15, 2007
central MA
Feedback: 15 / 0 / 0
Second (or later) owner of an older, 199x Kahr K9. Unknown rounds through it, but I've put at least 300-400 target and 100 +P through it myself.

Flawless operation until late last year when I started getting random FTE and FTF issues. Dry firing and then attempting to cycle by hand shows that the slide is locking forward while the trigger is held back, as you would while following through. Any release of pressure on the trigger allows the slide to continue cycling as normal, and there is no other functional problem I can find. Not dirty on any of the surfaces you can look at while field stripping it, and no gritty feeling or change in the feel of the operation. Haven't done a complete teardown.

Plenty of info out there about problems with the slide locking back when you don't want it to, but nothing I've found about it locking forward.

I called Kahr and got a RMA # (which was promptly lost, destroyed by child, or eaten by pet). I'm going to call back and get it again before sending it in, but in the interest of taking a closer look myself, I figured I'd ask if anyone has either experienced similar, or has any ideas.
Get that RMA and gun back to kahr.
they will hook you up and probably provide and explanation of what was going on.

have u cleaned and inspected the striker channel? Sounds like trigger might not be engaging the striker properly.

i clean and check my striker channels every ~200 rds just cuz i am anal about such things. But its amazing how important that little area is!

do you think the slide issue and FTE issue are related?

im intereted to hear what kahr tells you.
Yeah, I'm still probably going to do that when I can scrape together the cash ($65/hr diagnostic). I'm not carrying it regularly any more, so it's not terribly pressing.

I'll check the striker channel as suggested. I haven't done a detail strip since the week I bought it.

I'm almost positive that the issues are related - I noticed a difference in felt recoil, which I'm guessing can be attributed to the thing not unlocking until after it comes back in my hand a bit.
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