Kahr PM45

Sep 24, 2009
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I have a PM9 and I love it. I came across a PM45 and bought it without hesitation. I was in the market for a glock 36 but this is smaller and easier to conceal. It is actually not that much larger than the PM9.
I took it out to the range and was pleasantly suprised, it has less felt recoil than my glock 27. This tiny gun is acurate where it needs to be up to 25 / 30 feet, and not where it shouldn't past that.

I have been pleasantly suprised with Kahr stuff.
I have a Kahr K40 I bought a while back and its been a great gun. Not the greatest gun for quick follow-up shots or any precision shooting past 25 yards but it goes bang everytime and has had no malfunctions. My favorite thing about it is that, it being a .40S&W, nothing good can come of it.

Yes being primarily a glock guy I have grown to appreciate the kahr stuff and heck it is local. I still think for solely shooting I just love the glock, but for an overall conceal experience it is tough to beat the current crop from kahr.
Yup, that's it. Found it sitting in the corner of a shop and couldn't resist. Factory night sites, nice slim profile (Also have a G30 and tried a G36). Love the black. Like I said, my go-to right now. Fits perfect in my custom OWB high rise. I'm impressed with what KAHR puts out in such small packages. Well built, reliable, and can't be beat for all day concealed carry IMO. I've got a
MK9, PM9, PM45, and I'd give my left you know what to latch onto a 380.
Since you own all three, how do the MK9, PM9, and PM45 compare? Specifically, how do they compare for carrying? I imagine the PM9 and MK9 are the same size but different weights, and the PM45 is bigger overall. Is this true? If so, how does it feel with the extra weight of the MK9, and does the shootability outweigh the extra carry weight, or does it not make enough difference? Thanks.
Your right. PM9 is a hair smaller (or it looks/feels that way) and noticeably lighter, but I actually prefer the added weight of the steel frame with the MK9. It just screams reliability and comfortability to me personally. I've never had a problem with any of them, but my MK9 has a better trigger, better sights (I had it custom outfitted with red fiber optics not available on the older frame models), and better feel-shootability does outweigh the weight for me. I have a variety of situations I need to carry under, so the only time I notice a difference is if I am out ALL DAY for 16 hours, sitting in a car. By the time I get home, I feel the weight, vs the PM9 I can carry all day without even noticing it's there.
.45 is bigger, lighter than the MK9, I like the options of 7 rounds of .45, same small reliable package. 45= #1, MK9= #2, PM9= #3 right now for me. Opinions may vary....
You know, an aluminum (or alloy) frame MK9 would be PERFECT here. It is lighter than the steel, yet nicer and maybe have a tiny bit more heft than plastic. Too bad Kahr wouldn't go that route.
RB finally saw, felt, and drooled over the 380. Obviously not for sale or it would be mine. They are unbelievable. I would pay well over retail for this. I seems as some manufacturer make micros they just make the cheap with the thought of it never being fired. Kahr just seems to make the same gun smaller. They have the micro nailed. There only problem is they can't make this stuff fast enough and it is a challenge for us Ma**h***s to find them.
Someone just listed a PM45 in classifieds great price.
I agree with you Howitzer, for whatever reason, I seem to prefer some of the smaller 'micro' compacts for all day carry. I know I am sacrificing accuracy, round capacity, and often times quality when it comes to some of these. But I am a smaller guy and my hands seems to prefer the compact or micro's. I have tried/owned/shot/handled MOST of them out there, and Kahr's are right up there. I still own some Kel Tec's, Glocks, a Springfield Armory XD9. But for sheer size, weight, concealibility, and reliability I have found few that keep up with the Kahr line.
I'll track down a 380 eventually. I have handled one also, had a shot at getting one, but this one was just too steep. I'm sure quite a few people are looking for one right now. Just a matter of time. But I agree with your sentiment, Kahr makes the right size and weight, and sacrifice very little in terms of reliability in doing so. Not for everyone, but in terms of quality-hard to find fault.
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