There is no difference between the ma and and the free state triggers.
It's not a bad trigger, it's just not what most people expect from a striker fired pistol... It is much mor like a smooth DA revolver trigger that a striker fired pistol. I hate the MA pm9 as the safety is where my thumb wants to sit.
The pm9 is easily the most accurate pocket pistol I have ever shot. The downside IMHO is the fact that Kahr claims they need "break in" of 200 plus rounds. That is BS in my mind. My pm9 had one magazine that would not drop free from the factory. Kahr replaced it. I then had 3 broken followers in magazines. Kahr replaced them. I did shoot a fair amount of rounds through my pm9 before selling and I only had 2 failures, but they were both within the break in period. Overall, I would recommend the PM9 as an overall good firearm. You make certain concessions when getting a pocket gun, pm9 minimizes what you have to give up.
I have zero interest in the sig 238 or the 938. Having a cocked hammer in your pocket screams to have something get stuck where it doesn't belong preventing the gun from functioning when you need it. The safety is small. The trigger pull on many of the 238 is actually heavier than the pm9, even though it's SA. Consistency in QC when looking through a batch of sigs is amazingly bad.
I ended up with a glock 26, but that is not in the same category of firearm.