Kel-Tec Sub 2000

Jan 4, 2009
Not Mass
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Just walk into State Line Gun Shop in Mason NH, Saw a Kel-Tec Sub 2000 in 9mm and couldn't resist putting a deposit on it ( it was used, good price and $50 holds it for two months ) I know, I know a deposit on a -$300 gun I'm a lightweight in the wallet dept and I dont get paid for anther week!. Anyway, whats the deal with these? I know, its not a cool AR or AK, but my wallet cannot afford those guns or that ammo. Was just looking for a fun gun to shoot cheap with hicap mag available. any thoughts??

any thoughts other than the fact that I'm a crappy arrogant cyclist........ lol, see other thread.......
I bought one from them a couple weeks ago. For a plastic POS it shoots pretty decent....lots of fun. I reload 9mm so that was the deciding factor for me.

I would recommend cleaning and lubing it before you shoot it. I brought mine to the range 20 minutes after purchase and had some FTF's and FTE's. Took it apart including the firing pin and gave it a bath in gun scrubber, put some CLP in there and it worked 100% flawless the second time out.

My only complaint is that the stock against your cheek gets kinda cold.
I wrapped gaffer tape around the bare metal stock, to make a nice pad. And also around the charging handle. Gaffer tape is a cloth tape, that doesn't leave a residue when removed like duct tape does.


I like my sub2K a lot, but the plastic front sight is a little bit bush league. I had to crank the front sight post all the way to the right in order to sight it in, and the plastic just doesn't look like it will stand up to much abuse.

It is definitely worth it to get the rubber pad that clips on the back of the stock, it makes it nicer
to fold up and to shoot.

But it's really fun to shoot, and accurate enough to hit a steel plate pretty reliably at 100 yards. I got some of the 33 round preban magazines, and the 17 round ones are pretty easy to find as well.

You have to get your eye/cheek pretty flat and low to the stock to get a good sight picture, but the rear ring aperture is better than many open sights on carbines.

If they ever come out with a model that has AR15 sights, that would be perfect.

I also got a hand-all rubber grip that slip over the pistol grip, the plastic they use for the factory grip is kind of sharp.

I have only had a couple of failures to eject, and those were the last round from the 33 round mags, so if you don't overload the mag it seems to work better.
Great pic!, great idea! I'm pretty excited, they just so happened to have a used one that took the S&W mags I've had my eye on a used S&W 5906 and I think it would be great to have a carbine and a pistol share the same mag.
Ah Crap, you get the last laugh :)

I will be up there tonight if I saw that it would have come home with me.

Just walk into State Line Gun Shop in Mason NH, Saw a Kel-Tec Sub 2000 in 9mm and couldn't resist putting a deposit on it ( it was used, good price and $50 holds it for two months ) I know, I know a deposit on a -$300 gun I'm a lightweight in the wallet dept and I dont get paid for anther week!. Anyway, whats the deal with these? I know, its not a cool AR or AK, but my wallet cannot afford those guns or that ammo. Was just looking for a fun gun to shoot cheap with hicap mag available. any thoughts??
Ah Crap, you get the last laugh :)

I will be up there tonight if I saw that it would have come home with me.

That place is my fav. to go!! if I had the cash I would have bought the 9mm AR they had, but........

They always seems to have the most "black rifles" have some of the nicest guys working there and accessories galore. I wish I had more money!
I nearly bought one of those a month or two ago. Looks like a sweet little backpack gun. I saw a guy at the range with one last weekend and he told me he had put many thousand rounds through it, and was happy with it. He was shooting it at 100 yards, though I wasn't spotting his targets to see what he was hitting ..

I used hockey tape for mine because the steel does get cold when shooting it in the winter. It also lessened the feel of the spring.

The only accessory I can see adding is the sling. Most of the Kel Tec stuff out there isn't made very well and doesn't work too well either. I've seen accessory rails that mount to the handguard but IMO the more stuff you add to one of these the more it defeats the purpose of it being a fold up and go carbine.

One tip I can offer is to polish the feed ramp with a Dremel polishing kit, using specifically the felt tips and polishing compound. This will help any cycling issues. Mine would never feed hollow points reliably until I polished the feed ramp.
That place is my fav. to go!! if I had the cash I would have bought the 9mm AR they had, but........

They always seems to have the most "black rifles" have some of the nicest guys working there and accessories galore. I wish I had more money!

I saw that too. I was going to ask if it was or could be made Mass ok. After I did the transfer I wound up leaving with all the money from the sale. I should thank you for buying that Kel-Tec so I didn't spend the money.

If however, for some reason you feel the need to back out of it, let me know. I'll take it. :)
I saw that too. I was going to ask if it was or could be made Mass ok. After I did the transfer I wound up leaving with all the money from the sale. I should thank you for buying that Kel-Tec so I didn't spend the money.

If however, for some reason you feel the need to back out of it, let me know. I'll take it. :)

I would most certainly let you know if something changes and I cant get it ( I hope not!! ) I will also let you know If I see one up there.... I visit almost weekly as I'm pretty local. 2 weeks ago they had 1 used one and 1 new, they sold both and just took the one I have a deposit on a day or 2 ago ( seems to be very high turnaround in that shop )
I've always wanted one of these... I'm not a gimic guy, but I just kinda like it!

Its the only " black " gun I can afford!! I think its a great idea, I'm actually might be looking to sell my Ruger SR9 to get a older S&W 5906 so I have a carbine and pistol that both work off the same mag.
It is a fun plinker and I'd say very accurate at 50 yds. and can ring the steel at 100 yds as well. You do need to put something on that steel stock tube and the sights do look cheesy.
If someone came out with a solid, reliable scope mount that allowed it to fold normally, I'd buy one in a second! I'd probably put a cheap red dot or variable power scope on it to make it a little easier for my aging eyes.
Actually, all that bike talk on the day I put the deposit on it, and the "taping of the stock " idea...... I have some extra black synthetic handlebar wrap for my bike that is VERY durable, but also provided a nice level of cushion. Might be worth a try....

No one like the Kel-Tec accessories huh... Kinda a bummer as theres seems to be quite a few for that gun. I really like the idea of the Mag holder for the stock, the stock extension and the accessory rail ( I'd like to add a flash light or laser )

wait, did I just say I want to add tacticool accessories?? what the heck is wrong with me!
There was an aftermarket metal front sight with an AR15 front sight post that someone made, but they ran out of them and aren't going to produce any more. They cost $100 or more, so it was kind of a lot compared to the price of the gun in the first place.

I'd love some kind of small optic for this, but it's such a compact package already it would be a shame to clutter it up.
Old thread, I know. Would this be legal in the city of Boston under their AWB? Struggling to find anythind substantive on this wrt this particular model.
Be careful the newer model with the threaded barrel violates the AWB in MA as it has a detachable mag and two evil features (pistol grip and threaded barrel).

You’d have to pin/weld a barrel nut or brake on there to technically be compliant.

The older ones did not have a threaded barrel.
The MA AWB defines the threaded barrel characteristic as; "a flash suppressor or threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppressor"

The threaded portion of the Sub2k barrel is designed for the ease of removing the front sight.
They are fun to shoot. I will "eventually" pick a Gen2 up that uses the M&P 9mm mags.
Too many other expenses, to justify it right now. But I will eventually get one.

Good purchase ***DRB***... Enjoy it...
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