Knife sharpened!


NES Member
Aug 30, 2011
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Does anyone know where I can get a couple knives sharpened. They are just folding blade pocket knives. I don't really want to buy a sharpener ill never use and these two are now in need of a good sharpening. I'm in the Fitchburg/Leominster area.

not sure if this is the right section but thought I would ask
Get a DMT Blue key fob. It folds and keeps a razor edge on any blade. If a knife ain't sharp its a paperweight.
I work in Fitchburg and you can borrow my set if you want. It's the diamond set shown here. Just take your time and you can get the knife sharp enough to shave. Let me know
Get a stone and learn how. Probably the same price as paying to get two sharpened maybe even cheaper and its a valuable skill to have and you can sharpen them the next time and any other blades you have.
Another vote for "buy a sharpener and learn to do it"

I have one of the two-sided DMT sharpeners. Coarse on one side, fine on the other, folds up like a balisong. It was like $20.
I work in Fitchburg and you can borrow my set if you want. It's the diamond set shown here. Just take your time and you can get the knife sharp enough to shave. Let me know

I have the same setup and love it - my knives can cut paper with my eyes closed and a hand tied behind my back.
Get a stone and learn how. Probably the same price as paying to get two sharpened maybe even cheaper and its a valuable skill to have and you can sharpen them the next time and any other blades you have.

I've got a stone and tried to learn. I never did figure it out.

I use a Lansky system now. It works fine for my needs.
Here's a old trick . Turn a coffee cup upside down. The bottom were there is no glaze works OK as a ceramic sharpener.just hold your blade at a angle and move it in circular motion. Works in a pinch
I love diamond stones, just not the jigs. They never keep the blade secured tightly. Might be me though.
I have a problems with the rod coming out of the stone. The screw keeps coming loose. Most of the time I just use the fine stone without the jig. As far as the blade coming out of the jig, maybe you don't have the adjusting screw set so the clamps hits flat on the blade. Sounds like only the tip is hitting so not enough of the clamp surface is hitting. You have to adjust this due to different thickness of blades.
I have the same setup and love it - my knives can cut paper with my eyes closed and a hand tied behind my back.
Agreed the stones do a great job.
Get a stone and learn how. Probably the same price as paying to get two sharpened maybe even cheaper and its a valuable skill to have and you can sharpen them the next time and any other blades you have.

This. Acquiring the skill to put a usable edge on something pays dividends for-EVER. You won't look back and say "Gee, I'm sorry I learned that" I promise!
Not sure how to sharpen knives (and I have a ton), but my dad would. I gotta ask him now, thanks for the link to good stone(s).

That's not a good stone. Its a marginal pocket field sharpener. It does the job but can't compete with a good Arkansas whetstone or other good sharpening system. I sharpen knifes a few times a day everyday for work on a cheap stone and get better results than that pocket pal will give you, and those are work knives. Good knives deserve good sharpening stones. I'm certainly not the best at sharpening but my knives are always sharp.
I know that was just a pocket sharpener! I meant to reply to your OP. Thanks for all the info though my friend.

Ah my bad. You're welcome. I'm sure YouTube will have lots of videos. Practice is the key though. It becomes second nature to mimic the blade angle. Use oil or water on your stone depending on your stone. Here's a pretty good PDF Buck put out.
I use a small cheap Arkansas whetstone for pocket knifes I got it for like five bucks at Walmart. I'd be happy to show you what I do sometime Al.
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get a good stone and practice ! the trick is to not rush, keep even preasure and maintain the blade angle, like someone said above me, you'll never regret having that skill.
Get a DMT continuous diamond stone from

Tell Howard I sent you.

Along with the coffee cup idea. The frosted top edge of a rolled down car window works well too.
I do a lot of sharpening because I use a lot of antique hand planes, chisels, and gouges. It took some time but I learned to sharpen almost anything. I use a norton water stone 1000/8000 grit stone and leather stropping with stropping compound. I also use diamond stones for some stuff. I used to hate to sharpen stuff, but once you really learn how to do it you'll be happy you did.
My Dad passed along to me many years ago an Alumium Oxide sharpening stone. My recollection is that this type of stone requires using oil, is that correct? Also, it's in fairly rough shape (and dirty); any recmmendations on cleaning such a stone?
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