Knife sharpened!

Stones and such are great. I use them for finishing edges. For the rougher work, I have a craftsman 2x42 belt sander and use belts from supergrit, from 600 grit up to 1200, and a cork belt and a learher one after that. Although I saw a video of a russian guy who sharpened his fighter so it did split hairs. LiTERALLY
I am a bit of a knife whore. I am also anal about keeping them razor sharp, especially the ones I carry come hunting season. I have used most systems at one point or another. I have pretty much settled for a good stone of one type or another, like a diamond stone for the rough work but for a fine edge or constant touching up while butchering I personally have found nothing better than the Lansky Ceramic sticks box with 2 angles and 2 roughnesses of sticks.

Lansky Sharpeners :: 4-Rod Turn Box | Ceramic Knife Sharpener

Actually the one I like best isn't a Lansky brand and has longer rods.

everyone likes different sharpening systems but this is my preference. Carrying a knife and using it without the ability to sharpen it just doesn't make sense to me. I like them to cleanly shave hair. My wife says I look like I have mange by the time hunting season starts from testing all my knives and broad heads on arm and leg hair [grin]
Spyderco Sharpmaker...


+1. Spyderco Tri-Angle Sharpmaker Knife Sharpener 204MF: Sports & Outdoors

You can get your knives to a surgical level of sharpness (assuming they're decent quality knives), and this handles getting the right angles.

You can get the set on evilbay for about $65-70 or you can just buy the fine diamond stone for the set for about $15. Most of the time I only use the fine unless there's some damage to the blade.
Another +1 for the Spyderco Sharpmaker. I now have friends that pay me to sharpen their knives. It is paid for the price of the kit several times over.
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