Knife Sheaths


Dec 7, 2005
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They just dont make things to last anymore.

I am looking for a new Leather or Nylon Sheath for my Skinning knife. The original eather sheath has worn out. (Its only 50 years old )

Do any of you guys make sheaths? I needs to securly hold 5 inchblade , bone handle skinner. Overall legnth 9 1/2 inch.

Here is a techincal challange.

This knife is rather sharp,like a razor blade. It will cut through most material like hot butter; as they say in america.

I like the look of real leather and it must hold a small arkansas stone as well as the knife. Belt Loop is good. Belt Loop and Stainless IWB clip is even better. I also like to keep a landyard on the knife so as to insure I dont drop it when I need it.
I cant find any info on the knife maker PIC Company out of Solingen, Germany. The knife was made right after WWII and was passed down by my Grandfather to me. I want to Give it to my son for his Moose hunt.

Any Ideas?

By the Way. Does anyone have a really big electric Moose Grinder? Moose Sausage, Moose Burger, Moose golabki

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PM me if you want contact info on the best sheathmaker that I know. I work with a guy down in texas named Paul Long who is at the top of his game and can do anything you want. Hes been working with leather for over 50 years. I send him all my high-end pieces. I also know about 10 other full custom leatherworkers who could do it. I can also point you to some how-to forums on doing it yourself. Leather work is not rocket science.

Other options you have are Kydex, but it "cheapens" most nice knives by using one. Given that the knife is a bit of a faimly heirloom, there may be some real pride in doing it yourself.

I taught myself leatherwork for my knives in a few attempts. Its basially a matter of knowing the basic mechanics of a sheath and tolerances to use, then its a cutting, stamping, dying, and stitching project.

Id have lots of pics to offer, but my website is down and im trying to resolve it as we speak.
Building a Sheath one ssheath at a time

I need to check some of those "How To" web sites to build my own sheath

dont know what kydex is?

I was thinking of traceing the blade out on a split piece of wood, Apple, Walnut, Mahogany or something like that and then routeing out the design with a router rooter. then when you put both pices of wood together with glue it will protect the knife blade.

then it needs leather: Something cool with fur (Not PoryPine) would give it a mountain man look. (You can see the next project comming right? A Possibles Bag)

Where is a good place to get Moose Hide Tanned? Or maybe Bear?

Capt Walt

Ok Now Ive got this crazy tune in my head.

Watch me wallaby's feed, mate,

Watch me wallaby's feed.

They're a dangerous breed, mate,

So watch me wallaby's feed.

Tan me hide when I'm dead, Fred,

Tan me hide when I'm dead.

So we tanned his hide when he died, Clyde,

And that's it hanging on the shed.
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