Krebs Custom AK Aperture Site - 1000 Meter Mini Review- Pic Heavy

Jul 27, 2012
Ninja Forrest, Nagashima Japan
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We all know, well the ones that are familiar with the Ak platform that its rear sight is hard to see and slow to acquire a sight picture. With a lot of training eventually that becomes less important and one gets used to the sight picture. However, the superiority of the peep sight is undeniable as far as speed and sight picture goes.

Krebs Customs makes a solid piece of peep sight for the Ak platform. Great quality, decent price and gives us the option to make the sight picture on the Ak a little better. The Krebs rear peep sight is going to be installed on my Arsenal SAM7R, I will try my best to show the POV using my cellphone camera and portray different angles of the Krebs rear peep sight.

My personal opinion is that this is the best upgrade one can do to their Ak platform, you have to see it in person in order to fully admire the sight picture that you get with it.

As you can see, the Krebs sight is .25" 1000M adjustment longer than the Arsenal 800M adjustment one, extending your sight picture a little more.

Here is the original Arsenal sight

Krebs rear peep sight, great machining by the way, happy with the quality


Side by side


Installed on the rifle


Tried to capture the sight picture the best I could. If you were to look through it the sight picture would be way bigger and extremely easy/fast to acquire a target with it.


Side picture
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That looks exactly like the ones that Williams gun sights used to sell, except the Williams had replaceable, screw in apertures. It came with a couple of different sizes.
that looks a lot like mojo peep sights, they have two versions, one with micro-clicks and one without:



I installed one on Mosin and for me it worked better than open sights for shooting static targets at a known range.

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I tried this once. Had no luck getting the original rear sight off. Any tricks?

depress spring and slide it out. I'm not sure how to explain it, but someone must have Youtube video on this.

One big issue with replacement sights, sometimes they are less than a perfect fit and may wobble right/ left.
Thanks! May pick another one of these up and give it a go. My only concern is that I'm going to like it too much and want it on all my AKs. [wink]
I can't get over how one can do without it.

Put a PA 1-6x 7.62x39 ACSS scope on your AK, with a QD mount. The iron sights, even without this upgrade, are good enough for FAST hits on man sized targets out to 150m (if your eyes are good enough), but trying to hit targets at unknown ranges, 200-400m, is a job for a scope. Have you compared the speed of this aperture sight to the traditional open sights (or preferably one with the rear site widened) at 25-50m?

I agree peep sights are better than the traditional AK open sights for "precision" shooting, but a scope is many times better than any iron sights. Target discrimination would be my main concern at ranges beyond 100m (even 50m if conditions are not ideal), followed by ability to range the target, and usability at night (ACSS reticle addresses both these issues).
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I'm gonna be that guy and say I don't like it.

I've removed peep sights from AK and SKS rifles before because I like using the notch sights better. I like zeroing my guns for a 6 hold and I'm not a fan of a sight that obscures the rest of the target.
Thanks for sharing! Looks great. How much taller is the sight than the original blade? As in the top part of the aperture. Just wondering because I have a micro dot with the ultimak gas tube rail.
I'm gonna be that guy and say I don't like it.

I've removed peep sights from AK and SKS rifles before because I like using the notch sights better. I like zeroing my guns for a 6 hold and I'm not a fan of a sight that obscures the rest of the target.

you are in good company, there is a good reason why open sights stayed open.
I would like to try one, as I really like the aperture sights on my ARs and M1.

My only problem is that if I like it I would have to buy five more.
you realize that this site is for an AK?

I do, my mak90 is not accurate but will shoot nice groups in a general area of 5" or so. I cant stand when I switch ammo and now the groups will shift left or right. I would like to to be able to simply add a few MOA to center the group. I will move front post if I have 1k rounds or so.
If your going to use a aperture sight might as well go full on, no. I have the standard sight still.
I do, my mak90 is not accurate but will shoot nice groups in a general area of 5" or so. I cant stand when I switch ammo and now the groups will shift left or right. I would like to to be able to simply add a few MOA to center the group. I will move front post if I have 1k rounds or so.
If your going to use a aperture sight might as well go full on, no. I have the standard sight still.

Rpk rear sight is adjustable left and right . I use one on my psl .
I'm gonna be that guy and say I don't like it.

I've removed peep sights from AK and SKS rifles before because I like using the notch sights better. I like zeroing my guns for a 6 hold and I'm not a fan of a sight that obscures the rest of the target.
same here, My SAM can hit 8 inch plates at 100yds easy but I do want to get a Krebs sight for the sks, my norinco barely has a notch. would this ak Krebs one fit a Norinco sks??
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