L frame .44


NES Member
Jan 24, 2007
Armpit region
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Anyone else see the December issue of American Rifleman? looks like Smith is coming out with a L frame 5 shot .44 mag. Sounds like a nice idea but I would be skeptical about feeding it a steady diet of full house 44's.
Since early this year - Model 69, right? They introduced it at the same time as the new K Frame 357.

Both were designed by the design engineer behind the 500 and other modern S&W revolvers.
I've had a M69 since shortly after they were announced.
I've put about 500 rounds through it, mostly heavy .44 Spl and some light .44 Mag loads.
This is exactly what I bought the gun to handle and it does this well.
I have several other full sized .44 Mags to handle the bone crusher loads.

The M69 shoots a +P level 44 Spl load well enough to make short work of clay birds at 25 yards.
The sized and weight are very well suited for a packin' pistol.
If you like the 629 Mountain gun, you will like the M69 more.

My only complaint is that the lightweight hammer needs a heavy mainspring for reliable ignition and this results in a much heavier double action trigger pull than I like.

I'm hoping S&W will use this platform for a five shot 45 ACP with moon clips. Short barrel and grip would make a great carry gun.
There is probably not enough meat in the cylinder to make the chambers for .45 caliber.


This is true but the 44 platform could be a starting point for a 45 ACP gun. A slightly larger cylinder to accept the 45 rounds should be possible. I have been waiting for a gun like this for years.
You give up 1 round and deal with severe recoil to save about 8 ounces of weight. I'd rather carry a 6 shot N frame but many will disagree.
This is true but the 44 platform could be a starting point for a 45 ACP gun. A slightly larger cylinder to accept the 45 rounds should be possible. I have been waiting for a gun like this for years.

A larger cylinder means either a larger window (ie no longer an L frame) or major design changes (moving barrel higher in frame, removing some of the window to make room, etc...). It's a pretty major undertaking and would be a different product.
Sounds similar to a k frame model 19, .357, but in L frame, .44. I'm in. Should be great for reloading something between .44 special and .44 magnum. A nice trail gun for coyote. My beagle and I have been charged twice by the same coyote within 2 minutes. This gun will thump that SOB.
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