lap top info needed

Apr 14, 2006
hilltown of western Mass
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my son is deploying to Iraq in a couple of months.
i would like to get him a lap top computer to take with him.
can anyone recomend a brand and model or any info that would
be helpful???

thanks in advance

I've been using a Mac for the past 4 months or so. I have to say that I much prefer it to
Windows (particularly Vista). Not cheap, though.
The Toughbooks are great and stand up to the beating giving in use mounted in patrol vehicles. But they are expensive and usually not available through the normal computer outlets.

If you really want one and need local vendors, contact Panasonic at One Panasonic Way, Secaucus, NJ. They should be able to point you towards a local dealer. However, one of my Patrol Sergeants did two tours in Iraq and brought his laptop which was a normal consumer unit. It survived but it never left his quarters.
We got Alan a Dell laptop to go over. Alan also advises as soon as he gets in country to go to the PX and get a can of dust off and to continuously use it on his laptop. The sand gets everywhere. Alan says if you want PM him. His screen name is CmbtEngineer. He's been back from Iraq now a little over a year now. If he has any questions feel free to PM him.
Storage in a airtight container might help. The Pelican or Underwater Quenetics boxes are airtight and will keep out the sand when sealed.
I know from the description my friend gives, it is closer to talcum powder than the sand we think of on the coast. Might be worth just getting a cheaper one on the assumption it will be toast after the year is up. Circuit City has some decent HP and Toshiba units on sale this week for around $550.00.
I know from the description my friend gives, it is closer to talcum powder than the sand we think of on the coast. Might be worth just getting a cheaper one on the assumption it will be toast after the year is up. Circuit City has some decent HP and Toshiba units on sale this week for around $550.00.

Yeah, Glenn has to fix Alan's laptop, it lasted about 9 months of his deployment, and he was also sharing with a bunch of guys so it got alot of use.
When my daughter was going of to college 5 yrs ago I looked all over the web and found what uncle sent the troops into the field with. 3 times as expensive ,several steps back from state of the art as far as speed and operating system but extremely tough and weather proof. It's there if you look around. ( Bought a toshiba and its lasted 5 yrs, no desert, no drops). thank your son and good luck
depending on where hes going has a lot to do with it too....we live in trailers, and my driver has a desktop computer.
I cant say enough good things about the pelican laptop case, gives military / quantity discount. we bought 4 cases, and probly about 75 serpa holsters from them.
laptop info update

last Feb i asked for advise on buying my son a laytop before he was deployed in May thank-you all for taking the time to reply i bought a HP at Staples with the maintenance insurance. the computer lasted until 6 weeks ago when the hard drive failed. my son mailed it back to me and used a borrowed Dell laptop for his final 6 weeks of deployment. He arrived at Ft Dix last Saturday and should be released this coming weekend.

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