Largest MA legal rifle


NES Member
Apr 18, 2011
In the woods of NH
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Took my wife to dinner. She starts talking guns, which she never does, eventhough my kids shoot with me and she knows i usually carry. She asks whats the "biggest"gun i could own in MA. All i could think of was 50 BMG? She might be in the mood to let me bring home a new family member. I was looking at 357 mag lever actions but could always go bigger [smile]

I meant largest caliber....
There might be other rifles bigger than .50 that are MA legal, although some of them are probably Federal "Destructive Devices" and you need to pay the NFA tax, etc.

If they're NFA, don't you need to do the whole Form 4 nonsense too? Good luck in MA.

Depending on whether you are building or transferring, depends on CLEO you have in town or if you have a trust or LLC you can wallhack that. Eventually the CLEOs are going to be stripped of that power but not sure when that change is happening, unfortunately it will make the process more onerous for some and likely slow the whole process way down in terms of approval timeframes.

Zero Hour has one of these for sale:

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