Latest police interpretation of MA Firearms transfer laws/regulations

Youve cut me to the quick, my feelings are hurt, and Ive eaten 27 Cadbury Eggs (the full size ones, not the little bastards) and am now washing them down with Absolut. Soon Ill be reduced to a mere shell of what I was, only covered in a brown sticky, vomitous broth, streaked with the yellow and white confectionary gruel that exists inside Cadburys finest.

Sounds great.

So, what are you doing after work??
Youve cut me to the quick, my feelings are hurt, and Ive eaten 27 Cadbury Eggs (the full size ones, not the little bastards) and am now washing them down with Absolut. Soon Ill be reduced to a mere shell of what I was, only covered in a brown sticky, vomitous broth, streaked with the yellow and white confectionary gruel that exists inside Cadburys finest.

Is this the GPP version of liquor ball sandwiches? [rofl]

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On the plus side attorney general handgun list keep a lot of the toys I want to buy out of my price range for now. I would have even more guns that I don't shoot and just sit in the safe because I wanted them at one point or another then I do now

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
On the plus side attorney general handgun list keep a lot of the toys I want to buy out of my price range for now. I would have even more guns that I don't shoot and just sit in the safe because I wanted them at one point or another then I do now

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

On the flip side, assuming you get anon rapey priced one off list, it's a better/safer investment than the stock market.

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Apparently, according to the Sgt, that would be highly illegal as Glocks made past 1998 are only legal for LEOs to possess/own. He said that they slipped into the MA AGs regs that on top of dealers not being able to sell new Glocks without the danger of a $5000 fine, "civilians" face a $1000 fine per firearm for post 1998 Glocks, and that the AG's office is cracking down and sending out notices.

This Sergeant must be related to (or graduated in the same Academy class with) the MA State Trooper from Malden, who told me a couple years ago in a casual, corner store waiting to play PowerBall conversation, that "Owning/possessing/carrying hollow points is only allowed for Law Enforcement. It's illegal for citizens to have them..... "

Then there's my fellow gym-rat State Trooper friend (with over 10 years on the job) who was completely unaware that open carry is legal in MA.. and said that if he saw someone openly carrying a firearm while walking along the Fellsway outside the gym, the citizen is "Absolutely going on the ground at gunpoint" while Trooper Jethro ascertains what evil the "gunman" might be plotting....Told by me that "Um, y'know Barney, open carry is legal in Massachusetts", his steroids-infused reply was (and I'm quoting): "Bullshit! I don't give a shit! If you're walking down the street with a gun? Even if it WERE legal you're still disturbing the peace cuz people might "panic" and someone driving by might swerve and cause an accident. So you'd be a danger to the public! I'd DEFINITELY order you to the ground at gunpoint!!"

I looked directly into his eyes and asked "You're serious??.. You're actually serious? You'd do that????"


(and I swear on my grandmother's soul that these stories are true. God, do I love living here in the PRM of MA)
This Sergeant must be related to (or graduated in the same Academy class with) the MA State Trooper from Malden, who told me a couple years ago in a casual, corner store waiting to play PowerBall conversation, that "Owning/possessing/carrying hollow points is only allowed for Law Enforcement. It's illegal for citizens to have them..... "

Then there's my fellow gym-rat State Trooper friend (with over 10 years on the job) who was completely unaware that open carry is legal in MA.. and said that if he saw someone openly carrying a firearm while walking along the Fellsway outside the gym, the citizen is "Absolutely going on the ground at gunpoint" while Trooper Jethro ascertains what evil the "gunman" might be plotting....Told by me that "Um, y'know Barney, open carry is legal in Massachusetts", his steroids-infused reply was (and I'm quoting): "Bullshit! I don't give a shit! If you're walking down the street with a gun? Even if it WERE legal you're still disturbing the peace cuz people might "panic" and someone driving by might swerve and cause an accident. So you'd be a danger to the public! I'd DEFINITELY order you to the ground at gunpoint!!"

I looked directly into his eyes and asked "You're serious??.. You're actually serious? You'd do that????"


(and I swear on my grandmother's soul that these stories are true. God, do I love living here in the PRM of MA)

I think a lot of us have had that experience. Which is why a lot of us have absolutely no respect for the police.

We we teach our kids that if you see a cop, you say nothing except for "I want to see my parents". And answer no questions. It is a sad state of affairs but when it has been police policy to only hire people who score less than 100 on IQ tests for the last 20 years, what do you expect. They guys in blue are just America's version of nazi Germany's brown costs.
I think a lot of us have had that experience. Which is why a lot of us have absolutely no respect for the police.

We we teach our kids that if you see a cop, you say nothing except for "I want to see my parents". And answer no questions. It is a sad state of affairs but when it has been police policy to only hire people who score less than 100 on IQ tests for the last 20 years, what do you expect. They guys in blue are just America's version of nazi Germany's brown costs.

Ahh, do you have some sort of cite for that or is it just a Spewdrie?
This Sergeant must be related to (or graduated in the same Academy class with) the MA State Trooper from Malden, who told me a couple years ago in a casual, corner store waiting to play PowerBall conversation, that "Owning/possessing/carrying hollow points is only allowed for Law Enforcement. It's illegal for citizens to have them..... "

Then there's my fellow gym-rat State Trooper friend (with over 10 years on the job) who was completely unaware that open carry is legal in MA.. and said that if he saw someone openly carrying a firearm while walking along the Fellsway outside the gym, the citizen is "Absolutely going on the ground at gunpoint" while Trooper Jethro ascertains what evil the "gunman" might be plotting....Told by me that "Um, y'know Barney, open carry is legal in Massachusetts", his steroids-infused reply was (and I'm quoting): "Bullshit! I don't give a shit! If you're walking down the street with a gun? Even if it WERE legal you're still disturbing the peace cuz people might "panic" and someone driving by might swerve and cause an accident. So you'd be a danger to the public! I'd DEFINITELY order you to the ground at gunpoint!!"

I looked directly into his eyes and asked "You're serious??.. You're actually serious? You'd do that????"


(and I swear on my grandmother's soul that these stories are true. God, do I love living here in the PRM of MA)

I believe every bit of your post!

I have a print-out of the MSP FB article where they charged someone with "possession of illegal ammo" for having hollow-points. Here's the thread, but the attachments are broken unfortunately.

You can't fix stupid!!
Ahh, do you have some sort of cite for that or is it just a Spewdrie?

There was a lawsuit a number of years ago in CT (I think New London PD) whereby an applicant was deemed disqualified due to having too high an IQ. Not kidding, he took it to court.

Here are the cites:
There was a lawsuit a number of years ago in CT (I think New London PD) whereby an applicant was deemed disqualified due to having too high an IQ. Not kidding, he took it to court.

Here are the cites:

Good god. Thats a bet I would have lost. Cant have the job because you are too smart.
Good god. Thats a bet I would have lost. Cant have the job because you are too smart.

Yes, in our current society if it sounds too outlandish to be true, it probably is true. Very sad commentary on our gov't and court system!
I'm sure the MA overlords are chuckling at this thread right now. They know it's bullshit, but they have a big enough megaphone to convince the sheep that they're protecting us.
Glockjock's gym cop story sound remarkably like what NES user ack495 has said.

ack495 said:
As a police officer, you bet your ass I'm showing up to call with my patrol rifle or shotgun, where there is a report of someone openingly carring a firearm. Priority #1...I'm going home that day. And if someone has a gun, I'm coming with a bigger gun.

the rest of his comment might be even more sad. The comment was about two girls simply legally open carrying holstered handguns.

These girls were clearly trying to cause a scene with their 2nd Amendment propaganda. I am a huge proponent of the right to bear arms but there are state laws that police officers have to enforce as well.
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Good god. Thats a bet I would have lost. Cant have the job because you are too smart.

Len's example is not the first time I've heard of this. I used to think it was an old wives tale but eventually stuff like this appeared to corroborate it. Not even saying every PD does it but the fact that there is even one is pretty mind numbing. An old friend of mine said he had a nephew trying to become a LEO (he never told me the town/agency) and that a friend of his who had just gotten in had told him something along the lines of "They're going to give you a test after the interview. The worst thing you can do on this test is ace it, they will disqualify you. So while taking the test, if it is too easy, you want to intentionally go back and fudge at least a few answers. "

The reasoning is pretty obvious, though, particularly with regards to PDs in big dump cities, with douche chiefs. These people probably think that a smart LEO is a threat to their authority... they'd rather have lemmings to boss around that follow orders most of the time instead of people smart enough to wreck them.

Earlier, I was talking with a number of LEOs, when one mentioned he had mistakenly bought a Glock 42 instead of the intended Glock 43, and was wondering what he'd have to do to sell it back to the shop. The Sgt explained that even though it was unfired, the officer would likely only get 60% of book value. Naturally, I offered to buy it off him for his costs.
Apparently, according to the Sgt, that would be highly illegal as Glocks made past 1998 are only legal for LEOs to possess/own. He said that they slipped into the MA AGs regs that on top of dealers not being able to sell new Glocks without the danger of a $5000 fine, "civilians" face a $1000 fine per firearm for post 1998 Glocks, and that the AG's office is cracking down and sending out notices.
I by no means consider myself an expert on the law, but I do try to keep current so as to avoid expensive legal troubles. As expected, I got the cop-out "look it up" response when asked for a cite on the law, so as to make sure I'm in compliance and to further inform friends and family. I've looked through the applicable MGLs and CMRs, finding nothing (as expected)stating the illegality of possessing current model Glocks. Is there a section I'm missing, or is this yet another case of LEOs misinterpreting the law?

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Don't assume L.E.O.'s "know" the law, or anyone else for that matter.

Always "READ" the Law for Yourself...
I have learned that there is no decent, indexed and easily retrievable guidance on glock ownership, anywhere.


Not even this. [smile]

Don't assume L.E.O.'s "know" the law, or anyone else for that matter.

Always "READ" the Law for Yourself...

yeah well, the only problem with your statement is they have the ****ing badge and gun and can **** up your day and your life if they want to.
What's the average IQ then?


scores by race.png

World average IQ

The average IQ of the world as of 2000 has been estimated to be 90 based on estimated average country IQs and country population sizes.[SUP][10]

Interestingly enough, a recent psychologist studying Muslims in Europe was surprised to find that due to massive in breeding, average IQ of Muslims is much lower than expected.

Sadly, due to police being well armed, nobody can get close enough to measure IQ. They've even tried baiting them with donuts, but the police simply ate all the donuts and passed out. [/SUP]

View attachment 163202

World average IQ

The average IQ of the world as of 2000 has been estimated to be 90 based on estimated average country IQs and country population sizes.[SUP][10]

Interestingly enough, a recent psychologist studying Muslims in Europe was surprised to find that due to massive in breeding, average IQ of Muslims is much lower than expected.

Sadly, due to police being well armed, nobody can get close enough to measure IQ. They've even tried baiting them with donuts, but the police simply ate all the donuts and passed out. [/SUP]

Nice work! You were able to get two groups with one post! At least the inbreeding part was original-esque, but the donut jokes? You cant do any better than that?
Nice work! You were able to get two groups with one post! At least the inbreeding part was original-esque, but the donut jokes? You cant do any better than that?

It's late and I'm tired. [rofl]

Maybe could have tried bringing enough dogs to soak up all the rounds, and then bait them with a few donuts to make them sit still?

The Bell Curve, a very controversial book from 20 years ago. Still controversial.

Nah, and the inbreeding isn't original. That's been around awhile. You can't expect that marrying your first cousins generation after generation will work out well.

Pisses the liberals off to no end, so I of course, like it. Of course, the liberals don't read, so they didn't get the point of the book.

And you have to give me credit here. The Bell Curve pisses off a bunch of groups.
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