Jan 21, 2007
Southcoast, MA
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Does anyone on here own a Ruger LCR 9MM? I just picked on up and I have having trouble picking a good defensive load. Any ideas?
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disclaimer i have no experience w the LCR 9, just the LCR 38.

i was going to acquire an LCR 9 until I read and saw the issues with non crimped 9mm bullets jumping forward under recoil, thus inhibiting cylinder rotation.

personally my first consideration for defense load is one where bullet stays put. and higher recoil like +P loads may actually worsten the issue.

if you find a load that works, let us know I would be interested to hear. thx.
revolvers will have zero issues with any hollowpoints....they all will work.
I like Winchester PDX1 124 grain +p hollowpoints. availible at wal marts nationwide, bonded, low flash ,1200 fps
I've been trying to decide myself between the LCR in 9mm, 327 Fed or 38 special with a 3" barrel. I've always been a S&W guy, but Ruger is making some very compelling guns in niches that S&W refuses to fill.

To me the 9mm wins for reload speed, the 327 wins for capacity, and the 3" 38 wins for shoot-ability.

Anyone know why the 2" 38 special is so much lighter than the 9mm and 327 versions?
Anyone know why the 2" 38 special is so much lighter than the 9mm and 327 versions?

the 9, 357 and 327 models have reinforced frames to handle higher pressures compared to the 38sp. the weight difference is quite noticeable. unrelated, but if ruger made a 3" 357 model I would be all over it.

I'm not looking to hi jack the thread, as the OP is asking about ammo.
I have been having accuracy problems with my LCR, with both fmj and hp ammo. Everything is going right, even when I bench rest it. Im going to do some more work with it to see if it's me before I contact ruger. When I first got it, it was shooting Point of aim.

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the 9, 357 and 327 models have reinforced frames to handle higher pressures compared to the 38sp. the weight difference is quite noticeable.

Looks like the 38 frame is aerospace-grade, 7000 series aluminum
The 9, 327, 357 frame is made from 400 series stainless steel
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