Leaving Wed AM for BCT Graduation ...

Feb 22, 2008
Western Mass
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... at Fort Jackson. We're driving. Me, the wife, the boy, and my son's fiance.

I hope my car makes it, and thank you to two generous NES members who helped to sponsor the trip. I won't embarrass you by mentioning your names, but God bless you for your contribution.

So I put in with the School District for personal time. I requested one paid day, and two unpaid days. I got word today that the two unpaid days were denied.

See, the union went to work-to-rule today over a stupid nothing of an issue, and the School Committee and Admin is playing hardball. So they figure "if the union can read the contract, so can we". And the contract doesn't allow unpaid leave except under those circumstances specifically referenced in the contract.

I love being a member of the union.

So I told them, as politely as I could, to tuck it up their ass, and I'll see you Monday.

I've got enough in the pension fund to live for three or four months.
Got into Fayetteville, NC at about 5:45. Left home at 4:20 am. Snow in the early am made the drive horrible all the way to NJ. Three more hours to Columbia SC. I'm beat. We're holed up in the Hampton Inn until tomorrow
You are in FayatNam?.......hey there's a bar down by Fort Bragg, and a stripper I want you to say hello to for me!

Oh, forget it, she probably isn't there anymore![rofl][rofl][rofl]
Be careful today. From the news reports I have seen, it really is bad all the way up through NJ. You might be better off staying somewhere until it's over. Blizzard warnings until 9:00PM tonight in NJ.
We made it as far as Chester, VA, just outside Richmond. I finally pulled off the highway after we passed the first car-in-a-guardrail scenario. We're at the Comfort Inn for the night. I got out for beer, and we'll send out for pizza tonight or walk to a nearby bar-and-grille if no one is delivering. The roads are freezing up here. It's the worst global warming I've seen yet!

I hope we'll be able to get out in the AM and resume the trip. We all gotta work Monday. I'm about 12 hours from home.

Dan's fiance got a text from him as short time ago. He left Ft Jackson around 1 PM and his plane was refueling in Dallas en route to Ft Huachuca. He seemed confident last night ... after a harrowing time making his qualification on the two-mile run a couple of weeks ago. He's happy now to be shipping to AIT with his "intel weenie" buddies. We met a few of them. He's got some good friends.

During the final week, their DS called about 20 of the guys into a supply closet for a ... chat. They all expected that they were gonna get smoked for something they didn't know they did. The DS told them ... "You're the guys I'd be proud to serve with, you're the ones I consider soldiers. The rest of the platoon is crap."

This DS left a big impression on Dan. He's a combat veteran with some kills under his belt. Kinda quirky, heavily tattooed, and serious about soldiering. I hope that Dan will keep him in mind as he advances in his career. The guy called Dan ... Q-Tip. I think that nickname will stick for a while.
During the final week, their DS called about 20 of the guys into a supply closet for a ... chat. They all expected that they were gonna get smoked for something they didn't know they did. The DS told them ... "You're the guys I'd be proud to serve with, you're the ones I consider soldiers. The rest of the platoon is crap."

Well, that's the greatest compliment a drill sargent can give and that's something to be proud of.
What a ride home. Brutal through northern VA, DC, Baltimore. Worst driving experience of my life. Well, second worst. Words can't describe. It looked like almost no effort had been made to clear the roads during the storm. We drove on snowpack and a 2 inch thick layer of ice for mile on end. Like driving on a washboard in places. Many spinouts and ditched cars along the road. 18 wheelers were stuck on inclines. Brutal.

It took 11.25 hours from Chester, VA (just south of Richmond) to south Berkshire County. Should have been 8.5. I stopped near Aberdeen, MD for a pit stop. I calculated my average speed from Chester to Aberdeen to be 38 mph.

Holy crap.
"Q-Tip". Was that a nickname that ever came to mind when he was born? LOL

Congrats on raising America's finest. You must be proud beyond words.

Welcome home friend. I just got in from a super bowl party at my daughter's house and came here to check if you made it home. Glad you got home safely even if it was a bitch making it. Tell your son thank you from me for all he does.
What a ride home. Brutal through northern VA, DC, Baltimore. Worst driving experience of my life. Well, second worst. Words can't describe. It looked like almost no effort had been made to clear the roads during the storm. We drove on snowpack and a 2 inch thick layer of ice for mile on end. Like driving on a washboard in places. Many spinouts and ditched cars along the road. 18 wheelers were stuck on inclines. Brutal.

It took 11.25 hours from Chester, VA (just south of Richmond) to south Berkshire County. Should have been 8.5. I stopped near Aberdeen, MD for a pit stop. I calculated my average speed from Chester to Aberdeen to be 38 mph.

Holy crap.

Having done my AIT at FT. Lee, when I was there they CLOSED the base for like 2 inches of snow on the ground!!!. I was pissed since I wanted to take my last final so I could get out of there. Just don't make a comment about the commanders wife not being able to get to the PX.[laugh] I had to go shovel snow for that.[laugh]
How the hell did I miss this thread.

Good to see y'all made it home safe and sound. Tell your son thank you for his service. Dont let him forget he's part of the "family" now.[wink]
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