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Not entirely true. As I stated before CT has no definition of a silencer in the statute. I would agree that if it came down to it and someone was arrested for it, the court would probably apply BATFE definition.
The head guy at the DPS came out and said that a suppressor ($200 tax kind) are not a flash hider but unless you have a quick disconnect type can you still can't put one on an AR unless it is preban.
I also have my doubts about SBR'ing a rifle and 922 compliance, if that were the case I could get a new FAL receiver from DSA and SBR it and throw a import parts kit on it. I can't see that flying.
I just noticed that in the CT AWB, under rifle, "flash hider" is an evil feature. Under pistol, "flash hider" and "silencer" are listed as two different things. Gamesetmatch?
The Head guy at DPS is John Danaher and I doubt he has released any statements regarding firearms. It could have been some letter from a SGT or LT at the SLFU. And another inquiry could produce a statement saying the opposite. Considering the CSP is a Law Enforcement agency they really don't have the final say. That would be the court systems job. The laws and definitions in CT are just really poorly written leaving a lot of things in the air.
As far as the FAL goes, seems like it would work. 922r does not apply to NFA items.
The statement regarding the suppressor was made to a class iii dealer whom I use frequently.
As for the SBR/922r rules, in a previous post you say that just because you SBR an AR lower doesn't mean you can stick a flash hider etc on it. Those items are regulated by the 1993 state law. The 922r compliance goes back before then so it would still apply.
Well, now I know that a silencer for absolutely sure is not a flash hider by written law. I agree that judges do illegally legislate from the bench and that LEO agencies often give contradictory statements for one reason or another (ie misunderstandings). But the fact that one law states "silencers" and "flash hiders" as two separate devices, I'm liking the chances of the legality of this. However, "liking the chances" is a funny thing. I'm still looking for a pre-ban lower. Considering any one of them can change their mind and make up a new law at any moment on a whim...
I already bought a pre-ban 10/22 in the mid west this year. It's old and I'm going to have to replace just about everything to get it to work, but hey, that's their job, to make it harder for people to go about their lives.
snip .. It's unfortunate we even have to have these discussions instead of just being able to go to the store and purchase a brand new Colt 6920 or LMT Defender 2000 with all the intended features intact, put a supressor on the end and go shoot like people in most other states. Maybee some day.......
Well, in the United States, everything is legal unless explicitly illegal.
So is a silencer considered a flash suppressor by CT law? Not written law, no.
Could you please post that letter online? I'm sure the answer to your question is that, yes, it is legal. But man, that letter sounds like GOLD. Pure. Gold.
p.s. One other thing, the real issue here that IS black and white is that you can't have a threaded bbl on your SCAR. So the suppressor has to either be permantntly attached, or it needs to have a muzzle end device permanently attached that allows some kind of quick attachment of the suppressor.
That is correct. I the silencer is non-removable, then it figures into the bbl length calculation.
Although your example doesn't really make a lot of sense. Here's why.
You are already paying for one $200 stamp and waiting months for the paperwork on your $2500 toy.
If you set it up as a proper SBR with a removable silencer, then its just an extra $200. Same wait.
So the only thing you gain by permanently affixing the silencer is a $200 savings.
What you lose is substantial:
1) the ability to replace the silencer if it is damaged
2) the ability use the silencer on another gun
3) the ability to use the SBR in non-silenced configuration
4) the ability to sell each item separately if you ever want to get something else.