Let's see pics of your Soviet/Russian/Warsaw Pact Weapons

Garys said:
This might be a good place to spawn a new thread. On the appropriate forum of course. Anyway, I'd like it if someone would post a primer on collecting these weapons, especially the various Mosins and SKS. The Mosins are supposed to be good shooters, cheap, and with cheap ammo. Same for the SKS, although some people don't think much of their accuracy. Other than that, I don't know much about shooting or collecting these weapon.


The accuracy of the sks depends on what ammo your shooting too. Plus I have never been serious about accuracy with my sks until recently and i have owned chinese sks's since the first hit our shores. We would always just blast away with them and I never thought about benchresting them for accuracy. Recently i picked up a chinese norinco paratrooper sks and we took it out with some chinese norinco ammo i had squirreled away. While waiting for a cease fire to put my target out i started hitting small rocks and clumps of dirt on the berm at 100yds. We finally got our targets out and i told my son to benchrest it and aim dead on at 100yds. We he shot an 1 1/2" group with iron sites. I have a scoped chinese sks that with the same ammo shoots 1" and under groups at 100yds too. This kind of opened up my eyes about the sks's accuracy with the right ammo. Before this i would always laugh when i seen an sks sniper or talked about accuracy with the sks. I have even had talked with who have shot their chinese sks using norinco ammo and they have had the same results with accuracy that i have had too. Using the right ammo can mean the difference between peppering the target or shooting tight groups once we get serious about benchresting the sks to see how accurate they can be.

BTW; My paratrooper was purchased at a gun shop and it was the salesmans personal gun. After seeing the accuracy I went back there and asked him if he did anything with the sks to make it accurate. He told me its an orginal sks and he never touched it. He also told me that all the sks's shoot this good too. Now i wonder if the other chinese sks's are this accurate too?
Oh man, where to start???
Here goes...
My Polish M44 un-issued



My idea of homeland security.


My Russian SKS refurb with bad photography. [lol]


A couple of my Mosins while at the range one day.


And last but not least.. a title I like to call My Three Finns. :D

My Nagant in action [lol]

It's my first and most defiantly not my last. I would love to find a Russian SKS. I just haven't been looking I guess.

Note: Not me in the picture.
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JimR, i've seen posts on the Parallax forums with people selling Finn stock sets if you want to return that chopped one in the pic to original.
On a side note: I just finished cleaning up my 4th Finn this morning, an M39 with beautifully marbled stock. Today's weather has me doing some short posting then its off to the range to hear it go boom. :D
Milsurps 4 Me said:
JimR, i've seen posts on the Parallax forums with people selling Finn stock sets if you want to return that chopped one in the pic to original.
On a side note: I just finished cleaning up my 4th Finn this morning, an M39 with beautifully marbled stock. Today's weather has me doing some short posting then its off to the range to hear it go boom. :D

Thanks for the info. I would need an M28 stock set for that rifle. I've enever seen any M28 stocks for sale anywhere. I have a few M28/30 brand new stocks and handguards that I could fit it into. This was a Bubba gun from down south that I picked up to save from any more butchering. I've got a few too many things to do to hit the range lately. Plus a bad shoulder that needs a rest.
Adam_MA said:
Moderator said:
I just picked up a new AK varient. Pics will be up soon.

Q1. Wait... I thought you had a SAR-1?!?! :D

Q2. Sellers regret?


A1. Sure did, I wonder who has it now.
A2. It's like when you are in high school and you feel like things just don't feel right with your woman, so you break up with her. Then you her with someone else and you feel the need to have her back.
Nickle said:
I bought another Finn over the weekend, an M28, possibly been reworked to an M28/30.

If it is a M28/28/30 it will have the M28/30 front and rear sights. It will look like this rifle.
JimR said:
Nice rifle indeed. I believe these have a Steyr match grade barrel.

I am still digging for information, but I have found a couple of sites stating that these are among some of the best made and most accurate AK variants. I am looking for a few factory part right now so she looks nice and pretty again. By the looks of her the original owner could have taken a little better care.
These are indeed the best of the best in the AK variant in that price range. They are extremely accurate for an AK due to the barrel used. I sold hundreds of these rifles to dealers when I was working for a local distributer.
JimR said:
These are indeed the best of the best in the AK variant in that price range. They are extremely accurate for an AK due to the barrel used. I sold hundreds of these rifles to dealers when I was working for a local distributer.

Sweet, Any idea where I can find a manual? Do you know if they accept standard AK parts?

I sent a e-mail to Arsenal but I haven't heard back from them.
Arsenal was pretty good to deal with. Although they did not have extra manuals for their guns in the past. Maybe now they have smartened up. They told me that they only had one manual per gun as shipped in to them. No extra's were available. If the gun arrived without a manual, they were sorry, as they could not provide one. This was as of summer of 04. I have a friend towards Boston that bought one of these rifles my from dealer buddy. He said the gun shot awesome and was extremely accurate. You really don't need a manual specifically for this rfile. Any AK manual will do. They are all pretty much the same critter. Go here and dowload the U.S Army version. http://guns.wolfcrews.com/ak47/pdf_files/US_Army_AK.pdf

NEED I WARN YOU HERE? You live in The Peoples Republic of MA. MA. has made permanant the old Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Be careful what you do to your gun.
Thanks for the advise, I have no intentionsof adding folding stocks, flash hiders or any other "evil" feature.

Anyways, Do you know if standard AK part will fit on. Barells, grips, ect.

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