Letter to President Bush

Mar 9, 2005
Central Ma.
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Rep. Virgil Goode To The Bush White House: Withdraw Your Brief

Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Rep. Virgil Goode (R-VA) has sent the following letter to the White
House asking them to undo the huge harm they have caused the Second
Amendment with the brief they filed in the DC gun ban case.


January 22, 2008
President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC 20500

Dear President Bush:

Your Solicitor General has just filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme
Court in the D.C. v. Heller case arguing that categorical gun bans of
virtually all self-defense firearms are constitutional if a court
determines they are "reasonable" -- the lowest standard of
constitutional review.

If this view prevails, a national ban on all firearms -- including
hunting rifles -- could be constitutional, even if the court decides
-- on ample historical evidence -- that the Founders intended the
Second Amendment as an individual right.

I would ask that you direct the Justice Department to withdraw this
unfortunate brief and to replace it with an opinion which reflects
the right of law-abiding Americans to keep and bear arms.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Virgil Goode
Dear Mr. Bush,

You, sir, are an a-hole. I am ashamed to say that I defended you for years, and voted for you twice. Thanks for proving to me that I am an idiot for believing in an idiot.

Wow. Didn't Bush campaign on him being pro-2A? What an idiot....clearly this proves he doesn't give a crap, and is just as happy to waive your 2A rights as Hillary would. Alternatively he has no control over the members of his cabinet.
Dear Mr. Bush,

You, sir, are an a-hole. I am ashamed to say that I defended you for years, and voted for you twice. Thanks for proving to me that I am an idiot for believing in an idiot.


F*ck W. [angry]
Withdraw Your Brief

There's been talk of this on the 'net. It doesn't make sense.

Once the SCOTUS has the brief, they have it. The DoJ could officially proclaim that they were withdrawing it, but the brief is there already, for everyone to read. Knowledege of it can not be undone. In fact, as soon as it was "withdrawn", more attention would be paid to it than there has been already -- including from the nine justices.

OTOH, the SCOTUS could submit another amicus brief on the Heller side -- doing so would cause a comotion which might get it read first.
There's been talk of this on the 'net. It doesn't make sense.

Once the SCOTUS has the brief, they have it. The DoJ could officially proclaim that they were withdrawing it, but the brief is there already, for everyone to read. Knowledege of it can not be undone. In fact, as soon as it was "withdrawn", more attention would be paid to it than there has been already -- including from the nine justices.

OTOH, the SCOTUS could submit another amicus brief on the Heller side -- doing so would cause a comotion which might get it read first.

True. But causing a comotion could be a good thing.
Withdrawing a SG (Solicitor General) brief is not unprecedented.

When Clinton was President and the Deputy Attorney General for Civil Rights was none other than one Deval Patrick, that division submitted an SG brief that was so far out that even the Clintons were embarassed. They ordered it withdrawn. The Court paid the withdrawn brief no attention.
Here's My Letter!

Listen her you monkey faced peckerwood:

You know dumb ass in the justice department turned his back on the constitution and the millions that have fought and died to preserve it. I expected to see you in a dress after that piece of crapadomonte you call economic program.

Now it's one thing to send our men and women to fight and die for some other countries rights but we the American people expect you as the leader of the most powerful nation on earth expect those dumber than dirt staff you hire from manpower and the temp services to protect the constitutional rights of the American people.

When you get a chance perhaps you could go down plant your size 5 foot right up that guys arse. By the way you might consider pulling those strings of your extremities as they don't look good on the idiot tube.

ps: What the hell were you thinkin when you let them screw the working middle class making over 75 grand out of a rebate. You know godarn well the people making less than 30 grand are gonna spend it on alcohol, hookers and dope anyway. So how's that helping boost the economy?


Just another shit on working class American
I sent bush an email through GOA, basically mirroring virgil goodes letter. Shrub needs his inbox full of letters from patriots.
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