Letter to Steve Grossman - CC Jim Timilty

Ben Cartwright SASS

NES Member
Apr 28, 2009
Feedback: 4 / 0 / 0
Here is the email I just sent to Steve Grossman regarding his nonsense about criminals will obey the new laws they will pass...

I read news accounts of your debate with Jim Wallace of GOAL. You stated that we need more gun laws to stop the crime and violence in our state.

I have a very simple question for you: why do you think criminals will obey the new laws when they are ignoring and breaking the current laws?

Will the criminal say “I cannot rob the bank because they passed a new law that would make it a crime to use a gun”?

Chicago until this last year had a total BAN on all types of guns, and yet they are the murder capital of the country and gun crime is rampant there.

I have another question, I know in Walpole cocaine and heroin are banned and illegal, I am not sure if that is true in the rest of the state based on the drug problems that we seem to have in this state, but if as I suspect those drugs are banned, since the 1930’s, then why is there a drug problem in this state? Could it be that criminal’s don’t care that the law says it is illegal and will (gasp) break the law?

If criminals and gangs are ignoring the current laws why do YOU think that they will now obey the new laws? The only people who will obey the laws are the already law-abiding citizens who are not the problem anyway, and they will be left defenseless like the citizens of Chicago are.

I would love to hear from you as to why criminals and gangbangers will obey your new laws.
It seems to me that regardless of the candidate, they are all the SAME. Seems they just don't care that there voters think
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