Lexington Resident Just Got LTC, With Sporting Restriction

There is liberal thinking.Allow your kids and wife to make a second amendment choice for you.Kids views do not matter in politics.I as the bread winner make those choices.And the kids and wife are talked to in detail about it.What happened in florida is 90% the fault of florida Lawenforcement and the FBI.I know in my town that fellow would have been lucky to have cap gun never mind a AR15.And let alone the cowards stay outside amazing.I could not live with myself after that.Taking a bullet would be easier than that.But blame it on the NRA.There are 1 million cops in this country.If indeed the grid was hit you would have no protection at all or very little by the police.And we all no what happens as the say the cats away the mice will play.Than see some of my most liberal friends would be here begging for a gun to protect themselves.
So how is any LTC not restricted?
Compare the list of "no carry" places in the DPRM to that of just about any state that has "shall issue". Also, compare the MA lack of "binding signage" to the statutes of pro-gun places like Texas.
Compare the list of "no carry" places in the DPRM to that of just about any state that has "shall issue". Also, compare the MA lack of "binding signage" to the statutes of pro-gun places like Texas.

A lot of states have legally binding signage. At least TX requires signs to be a certain size, format, etc. States like UT, WY, and others can put up a napkin with crayon writing on it and if you don't see it you can be spending the night in jail. Then you have states like NC where you can't carry into a restaurant that serves alcohol. MA has great carry laws, it's the licensing process that sucks.
UT churches can register as "no gun zones" (and then proceed to give their own people permission to carry despite the no gun status). All Mormon temples in UT enjoy "no guns for thee, just for me" status.

As to the binding signage you mention for UT, the UT BCI site has the following:
What about private businesses? Can they post signs prohibiting someone from carrying a gun into their business even though the person has a concealed firearms permit?
Naturally, private property owners may apply whatever restrictions they want. Whether or not these restrictions violate one’s constitutional rights is for the civil courts to decide. But the only statutory restrictions on a permit holder are secured areas such as airports and federal buildings.

I believe the BCI missed the statute granting gun ban power to churches.
I got my LTC with sporting restriction last week, after two months waiting. The application process is very straight-forward, and the police interview is pleasant.
My reason is simple and completely honest. I spent more and more time doing outdoor sports, like camping, hiking, boating, and photography. I ventured into more and more remote mountains and forests. I would feel much more comfortable with LTC. The policeman interviewing me was very nice and supportive of my interests and application for LTC.
I urge anyone in outdoor people and gun-loving people in Massachusetts to apply for LTC.

I have to assume that your serious. So if your happy with a restricted LTC then who are we to rain on your parade. But I hope you fully understand that owning and carrying a gun is a right and not a privilege as many in the pathetic state are led to believe. The 2nd amemendmend guarantees us those unrestricted rights.
I'm not really sure what to make of this thread but all I can think of is my favorite, relevant picture:

"Thank you may I have another."
I have to assume that your serious. So if your happy with a restricted LTC then who are we to rain on your parade. But I hope you fully understand that owning and carrying a gun is a right and not a privilege as many in the pathetic state are led to believe. The 2nd amemendmend guarantees us those unrestricted rights.
If the Chief like you.
Compare the list of "no carry" places in the DPRM to that of just about any state that has "shall issue". Also, compare the MA lack of "binding signage" to the statutes of pro-gun places like Texas.

I guess my point is that the license itself is a restriction/infringement. And then in the OP's case they've restricted him even further. He was granted permission to exercise his right keep but has been infringed and not given permission on his right to bear arms.
MA has great carry laws, it's the licensing process that sucks.
This is an artifact of how the laws came into place.'

In stated with "old" carry laws (MA, NY, etc.) carry among the "right people" (rich, white, connected) was not a big deal; permits were used as a mechanism to keep the unwashed from carrying (blacks, other minorities, unimportant people), so there was no laundry list of banned places or inding signage. Why would the govt want to keep an important person from carrying just because a business posted a sign?

Binding signage and a long list of prohibited places came into being in those recent "Shall issue" states where there was a tug of war between both sides of the issues, and the legislatures felt a need to keep the little people in check.

A great example is Michigan. Back when it was "may issue" it was similar to MA (very few prohibited places). When it went "shall issue", a laundry list of no-go places was added.
I want to spread out the word that a LTC, even though restricted, is relatively easy to get, even in a town like Lexington.
... To maximize gun-carrying population, it is important for the overall society to reach some common ground, including gun right loyalists and anti-gun populists. That may require compromises on both sides. I am afraid restrictions may be the easiest pill for everyone.

Comm2A LTC Scorecard
All LTCs Issued 2017
Issuing Authority: Lexington
New: 63
Percentage of LTCs issued with restrictions: 50.8%
Renewal: 26
Percentage of LTCs issued with restrictions: 0.0%

So, OP's one of the 49.2% of Lexington residents who don't have what it takes to get Unrestricted on the first pass.

Me, when I got to that section on our forms in a different (green) town, I knew that there was a magic phrase, and I searched the Intarwebs to find it: "All Lawful Purposes". I wouldn't even be surprised if the winning Google hit was in NES. And that's what I wrote down, to virtue signal that I had done my homework.

But some people can't be bothered to do things right.

Maybe they figure that researching the laws wouldn't be "sporting".
Comm2A LTC Scorecard
All LTCs Issued 2017
Issuing Authority: Lexington
New: 63
Percentage of LTCs issued with restrictions: 50.8%
Renewal: 26
Percentage of LTCs issued with restrictions: 0.0%

So, OP's one of the 49.2% of Lexington residents who don't have what it takes to get Unrestricted on the first pass.

Me, when I got to that section on our forms in a different (green) town, I knew that there was a magic phrase, and I searched the Intarwebs to find it: "All Lawful Purposes". I wouldn't even be surprised if the winning Google hit was in NES. And that's what I wrote down, to virtue signal that I had done my homework.

But some people can't be bothered to do things right.

Maybe they figure that researching the laws wouldn't be "sporting".
May I ask where did you get this statistics? Ill be interested what is the percentage of other cities
May I ask where did you get this statistics? Ill be interested what is the percentage of other cities
Comm2a's annual public records request from the FRB. We get licensing data stripped of personally identifiable information.
Man, I just called the Lexington PD in regards of their LTC process as well...this is crazy. To EasyCity, the reasons we have lawyers and judges, one of the reasons is all laws are up for "interruption". The simple 27 words are being redefined every day in the US: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
I'm not aware of any home invasions, but we've had serious problems with home burglaries. The only difference is the perp knows you're home in one and doesn't know in the other.

There actually have been a few in the literal sense of the term, but not the traditional/violent ones that are more common in the urban environments. There have been several over the last few years where people (read thieves, druggies, and general idiots) have wandered in, broken in, and entered a home while owners were there looking for goodies to steal or ingest. Upon calling the police the invaders departed.

And just to add a bit of shameless politics: I have lived here for decades and I have observed that most Lexingtonians are sanctimonious and bigoted azzholes with high ideals about what life should be for themselves and everybody else on earth. Yet if a hard working, yet working class, Latino/black moved in next door you may very well see their true colors!
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Out of curiosity, what realistic situations do you expect to encounter hiking that you'd need a concealed firearm? Personally I bet the occurrence of a home invasion would be more probable...

Are you serious? Have you ever seen the damage that a disgruntled bunny or a ferocious chipmunk can do? People talk about bear threats in Alaska, but I, for one, would not want to get between a mommy rabbit and her bunnies without packing some serious heat, at least a .44 magnum, if not a 12 gauge!
Are you serious? Have you ever seen the damage that a disgruntled bunny or a ferocious chipmunk can do? People talk about bear threats in Alaska, but I, for one, would not want to get between a mommy rabbit and her bunnies without packing some serious heat, at least a .44 magnum, if not a 12 gauge!

You would MURDER a mother that's just trying to protect her children?

Who do you think you are? Walt Disney?!

Are you serious? Have you ever seen the damage that a disgruntled bunny or a ferocious chipmunk can do? People talk about bear threats in Alaska, but I, for one, would not want to get between a mommy rabbit and her bunnies without packing some serious heat, at least a .44 magnum, if not a 12 gauge!
I want to spread out the word that a LTC, even though restricted, is relatively easy to get, even in a town like Lexington.
For those who owning guns for a long time, perhaps for generations, it is difficult to believe that there are many people in Massachusetts taking for granted that handgun ownership and conceal carry are beyond their reach. Fervent anti-gun media coverage created an impression of strict and anti-gun police department in the minds of many people. Faced with risking $100 application fee and cost of gun safety course, countless people do not bother to try. Until several days ago when I saw my LTC card, I still worried that I might be rejected, and wasted several hundred dollars.
That is why I want to describe my experience in detail, and let people search the internet and found my post. One more person with LTC or FID, no matter what restrictions they have, still is one more person armed with firearms. I have a feeling that right now it is not a time to expand the gun right over the existing restrictions, but to put guns in the hands of as many responsible people as possible. To maximize gun-carrying population, it is important for the overall society to reach some common ground, including gun right loyalists and anti-gun populists. That may require compromises on both sides. I am afraid restrictions may be the easiest pill for everyone.

  1. People are giving you a hard time here about your willingness to voluntarily ask for restrictions on your permit when there is no reason at all to do so. I think the issue is that you have accepted the idea that you should have to supplicate yourself to the authorities to give you even a partial grant of what should be your right as a US citizen.
  2. When your LTC is up for renewal, please just ask for a permit "for all lawful purposes" and leave it at that. Don't cower in fear that the authorities may be angry at your presumption and deny you all rights, just to make an example of you, or something like that. You might be surprised at how simply stating what you want will do you the most good.

Enjoy your time at the range, and hiking and the outdoors! And definitely try and get some other friends and neighbors interested in shooting. But if they want to apply for LTC just tell them to state "for all lawful purposes", they don't need to say more, and if they ask for less they will surely get less.
Enjoy your time at the range, and hiking and the outdoors! And definitely try and get some other friends and neighbors interested in shooting. But if they want to apply for LTC just tell them to state "for all lawful purposes", they don't need to say more, and if they ask for less they will surely get less.

I wrote "for all lawful purposes" on my application, was still issued with a sporting restriction. I politely but persistently nagged the licensing officer until he removed the restriction.The Comm2A statistics helped.
Don’t know why you’d be pleased with a restricted LTC.
This all day, everyday ! It's an infringement on your RIGHT. You can not say f*** ever in life. If you say or write the word f*** you could be sentenced to 10 yrs in prison. How would you feel with that restriction.
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