Lies for votes

Good. Looks like SOME politicians are getting the message. Now if we can only pound it into Spend-it-all Deval's head... maybe we can do it in November when (I hope) he gets retired. Due to illness - his constituents are sick of him.

The slow political shift has frustrated some Democrats that have long fought for tougher gun laws, like New York Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy, who's husband was killed in 1993 when a gunman randomly fired into a commuter train. She wishes fellow Democrats would fight the pressure exerted by the pro-gun lobby.

"They've been very open about saying... 'Carolyn, if the NRA comes against a bill, I gotta vote with the NRA.' They're not going to take that chance. I understand that," said McCarthy of her Democratic colleagues. "Does it bother me? Of course, it bothers me because I'm not trying to take away anyone's right to own a gun."

Oh, my, my, my... I think that little Carolyn just told a BIG fib. (which sounds more polite than calling her what I want to call her.
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