Light primer strikes on a S&W 617 - HELP!

Jan 31, 2007
Feedback: 78 / 3 / 0
I'm hoping RGS or one of the other S&W revolver guys can help me with this one.

Couldn't sleep tonight, so I took my new (to me) S&W 617 down to the range.

In single action mode it shoots well; the trigger is heavier than I'm used to or I'd like (relative to my 686), but its not bad. My problem is that I'm getting light primer strikes in double action mode.

With high velocity ammo, the problem is there, but minimal. I had no light strikes with 10 rounds of CCI Stingers, and only 1 with 10 rounds of Wally World Federal high velocity bulk packs.

But I had 5/10 light strikes with CCI standard velocity, 7/10 with Aguila CMP standard velocity, and 9/10 with Remington subsonic. I worked though an entire cylinder, and only one shot went off.

I looked closer at the action, and I think I know why: the hammer doesn't come as far back in double action mode as it does in single. In double action, the hammer falls after coming maybe 70 percent of the way back.

What should I do? Cash is tight, so I'm hesitant to sent it to a gunsmith for an action job. But I'm worried if I send it to Smith, the action will come back even heavier than it is now. Any suggestions???
It's part "012" in the diagram below.

Tighten it all the way in.

You have gotten very good advice so far. Only other thing that can be a problem with the 617 is broken firing pin and a very rare occasion of cylinder end shake.

My money is on loose strain screw. Many try to lighten trigger pull on the 617 by loosening the screw. The 617 is very sensitive and prone to light strike if you don't have a full main spring. I tuned the action on my 617 but it is still heavier than any DA revolver I have but it goes bang every time.

Good luck
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