Nhm 91 light strike

Dec 14, 2021
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Having some issues with my pre-ban nhm91, firing one rpund then light striking the next. Posted to reddit and the peening on the back of the carrier is probably the cause. Does anyone know what kind of ak bold carrier groups are compatible with a nhm91? i havent been able to find a concrete answer. Any advice or a good ak gunsmith would be helpful 1000088319.jpg 1000088318.jpg 1000088317.jpg 1000088316.jpg
What's the back of the firing pin look like? And is the firing pin channel free of gunk?

Agree that you've got peening there, factory hammer and springs?
Is this a 7.62x39 NHM or is it the .556 NHM? That makes a difference.
Any Chinese bolt Carrier will work on that gun. But the bolt is different between them. Check as stated above that the firing pin channel is clean. If it’s a 762 and it’s a spring loaded firing pin you can buy both the pin and spring from polytech parts it should be the same. Also spend a few minutes and find a chinese Trigger group (about$99) they are the best and whoever swapped it probably thought they were upgrading it. Also you can pick up a Chinese bolt carrier on GB for about $100
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