Light primer strikes on my Colts

Apr 29, 2005
South Shore
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I was at the range yesterday shooting my Colt Diamondbacks. Both are lightly used but were carried as a duty gun judging by their wear (holster wear, right side grip wear but hardly a drag mark on the cylinders, Bores are great). Shooting double action I was having light primer strikes, say 1 out of 6 or 7 rounds. I had no trouble indexing the light hit rounds back and shooting them single action. I was using some older commercial reloads and new WWB. If anyone has any advice it would be much appreciated.
Not a pistol expert, but IIRC, the hammer is further back when cocked for SA fire. Therefore, upon release, it would be traveling a bit faster when it gets to the point of impact.

If it's happening on more than one brand of ammo (as you indicate) I'd guess that the spring driving the hammmer is fatigued. Of course, since it's TWO guns, that's a bit different....

Have you tried pulling the trigger harder? [smile]
Thanks for the replies. I would say that the triggers are both stock, they seem fairly equal. The mainsprings probably are fatigued but in both guns? I can't imagine it really could be anything else but the springs but haven't even removed the grips yet. Does anyone know if they are adjustable like a S&W?
Do Colt revolvers have a strain screw like S&W revolvers? I've seen several that were backed out. Sometimes on purpose in an attempt to lighten the pull. If Colts have a strain screw, make sure it is turned all the way in.
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