NES Member
According to my searching, lightning protection has been talked about here but never actually discussed. All I've found so far is: you should have lightning protection and here are some links to ARRL.
I'm looking to put up a 30' aluminum mast in my yard. Right now I'm planning on an inverted vee for HF and a ground plane for 2m. While I have no plans to expand the antenna farm, I also know myself well enough to know I probably will. But that's another topic.
While planning out what cables I need to buy it dawned on me I should have some lightning arrestors, one for each antenna. I don't know a whole lot about them and my searching has pretty much told me that I can spend as much or little as I want. What I can't tell is what the real practical difference is between a $20 arrestor and a $65 arrestor. Yeah, the pricier ones will handle more current but I think a lightning strike carries a *couple* more amps than the surge protector is sized for. If they're both undersized I'd rather spend $40 than $130.
My current plan is to run both antennas to lightning protectors that will be bonded via braided ground strap to a ground rod near the mast. I'll also tie that ground to a window feed-thru panel and in to my equipment.
So what do you guys run? Photos would be helpful to see how you have it all connected up. What's your advice on lightning arrestors? I'm sure I'm not the only guy out here who's uncertain about lightning protection.
I'm looking to put up a 30' aluminum mast in my yard. Right now I'm planning on an inverted vee for HF and a ground plane for 2m. While I have no plans to expand the antenna farm, I also know myself well enough to know I probably will. But that's another topic.
While planning out what cables I need to buy it dawned on me I should have some lightning arrestors, one for each antenna. I don't know a whole lot about them and my searching has pretty much told me that I can spend as much or little as I want. What I can't tell is what the real practical difference is between a $20 arrestor and a $65 arrestor. Yeah, the pricier ones will handle more current but I think a lightning strike carries a *couple* more amps than the surge protector is sized for. If they're both undersized I'd rather spend $40 than $130.
My current plan is to run both antennas to lightning protectors that will be bonded via braided ground strap to a ground rod near the mast. I'll also tie that ground to a window feed-thru panel and in to my equipment.

So what do you guys run? Photos would be helpful to see how you have it all connected up. What's your advice on lightning arrestors? I'm sure I'm not the only guy out here who's uncertain about lightning protection.