Linsky racked up $154,000 in unpaid federal taxes

Jan 15, 2015
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He is such an upstanding fella, I can't see how this IRS tax problem could happen.

I am being sarcastic, of course . . .
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Taxes are for the little people. As are consequences of a scandal.

And he's paid a PART of it??? Yeah. Maybe not. You don't just get to pick and choose what you pay and don't pay with hte IRS. Unless he's got a federal "in." 2016 was forever ago. The fines and penalties on a $50K non-payment would be hefty. "Yeah, I'm just gonna pay the balance and you guys can stuff the extras."

Not how it works. You have to do a formal Offer in Compromise. Given they put a lien on his stuff, I don't think they accepted his offer. LOL.

I hope they take his car and stuff. Liquidate his bank accounts. Can't happen to a nicer person. ;)

His excuse is like an old Steve Martin routine from the late 70's. "Income taxes??? I forgot to pay my income taxes. Speed limits. Officer, I forgot that speeding was against the law." LOL. He was busy with non-legislative issues for FOUR YEARS???? C'mon d-bag.
If his taxes are F*%^ed up then the rest of him is as well. A guy his age who rents a home? Norman Bates much? He has no skin in the game. Installment interest can be anywhere from 0.5 - 5% / month. Good Luck paying that off!
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A total loser as a lawyer if he can't earn enough to pay his taxes on time.
Total loser on the subject of constitutional law. His track record shows he has spent his entire elected career violating his oath of office.

[One of my brothers is a federal lawyer. Probably earns a lot more than this douche nozzle. Never had any issues with his taxes. But then he was once in the DoJ tax division, prosecuting tax cheats. His current post he helps recover $$ from investment frauds.]
“So it is less than that now. I don’t have a current number,”

I.e. “It’s less than $154,067.30. I paid off a dollar, so it’s only $154,066.30, which is less.”
How does someone who makes $62,547 base pay rack up $154,000 in federal taxes? I wonder how much he owes to the state?

And when it comes to the next election cycle in 2023 no one will care and he will get re-elected.


I had a friend who's wife bought a used book store back in the. . . 80's. He was AGGRESSIVE on the taxes with his CPA. He expensed a s-ton of stuff against current household income instead of counting it as inventory or improvements. Did this for FIVE YEARS.

Sells the business. SHOCKED that 100% of the $ they got in the sale was taxable because he EXPENSED ALL OF THE INVENTORY AND OTHER STUFF.

So a guy like Linksy does a few things to "not pay taxes" and like more moron Americans (and that means teh majority of Americans, BTW), doesn't realize that you don't usually AVOID taxes, you just delay them.

Suddenly, there is some sort of realization of hte gains and he's F'd.

Don't do the tax strategy if you can't make the payments. That's Baretta.
Not how it works. You have to do a formal Offer in Compromise. Given they put a lien on his stuff, I don't think they accepted his offer. LOL.
Not that easy:
  • OICs must be accompanied by a payment of 20% of the IRS "asking price" - so much to settling for ten cents on the dollar.
  • They are granted for only 3 reasons:
    • Doubt as to oweability - is there a chance the taxpayer could win a court appeal?
    • Doubt as to collectability (not just current assets, the IRS looks at future expected earnings as well)
    • "Efficient administration of tax policy" whatever that means
The prick will skate.
He's in rookie territory compared to the likes of Sharpton and that d-bag walks around a free man.
If I was a rich man I would have a billboard up with that info .
That man is a top tier enemy of the constitution and a disgusting pervert.
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