LOL! The Brady Campaign is in worse financial shape than I had thought.

Mar 4, 2006
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Looks like Helmke and co will have to start returning their empties at the redemption center, checking under seat cushions for loose change just to pay their phone bill...

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

Fundraising/Spending by Cycle


2010 election

Total Receipts $2,500
Total Spent (view expenditures) $4,545
Begin Cash on Hand $11,813
End Cash on Hand $9,770
Debts $0
Date of last report March 31, 2010
Contributions from this PAC to federal candidates (list recipients)
(100% to Democrats, 0% to Republicans) $2,750

In contrast... our side is doing just fine (now... only if they'd spend some of that money in this state).

National Rifle Association


2010 election

Total Receipts $11,683,044
Total Spent (view expenditures) $2,683,563
Begin Cash on Hand $1,634,617
End Cash on Hand $10,634,098
Debts $15,206
Independent Expenditures $522,002
Date of last report April 30, 2010
Contributions from this PAC to federal candidates (list recipients)
(29% to Democrats, 71% to Republicans) $446,600
Unfortunately, the NRA needs to consider the impact of is expenditures and until the election of Scott Brown, expenditures in MA were most likely considered wasted dollars.

It's great to see that the Brady Campaign's finances are in such poor shape. While I have respect for the sacrificed of the family, they have used their fame and sacrifice for a poor political agenda. It's too bad too. If they had focused on a root problem (Tougher laws against criminal use of firearms, improved programs for the rehabilitation of criminals or assistance to the victems of firearm violance) instead of focusing on trying to ban firearm ownership/sales in the US, they really could have accomplished some good.

I'm glad to see the NRA has built up a reasonable war chest of the up-coming elections and future gun legislation battles, but the true meat of that battle needs to be the rank and file voters. If we want to work to push back laws, we need to make it clear to those in office - If you don't support expanded firearms rights, you will be voted out AND if you are willing to support expanded firearms rights, we WILL support you.
It looks like they stopped getting any money when the AWB expired... perhaps the fact that blood did not run in the streets (except in Chicago) put the final nail in their credibility.
Since brady is basically just a Soros puppet org, doesn't surprise me.

It is nice to see, though, how much of a political loser of an issue gun control is. My guess is they're either not conducting fundraising using that PAC, or they've resorted to using other tactics that don't involve campaign contributions. (or other things which expose them to federal radar of campaign financing laws).

Part of it is a reality check...... Brady/Soros/VPC only really has influence in areas that are moonbat anyways... the extra cash doesn't really matter for those candidates. If you think about it, whens the last time a district swung on gun control? It doesn't- it's a political loser of an issue and the only people left supporting it are in protected moonbat dominated enclaves. The bradyites probably figure its a waste of money... why spend money when they can just use someone elses?

Another issue might be shell gaming. There are a lot of little gun control orgs out there. Brady has probably spurned off smaller, more local orgs and done the fundraising locally. The antis seem to be applying way more pressure at the state and local levels than they are nationally.

We have to keep flamethrowering these bastards though. They are like cockroaches- they won't go away, and they are still everywhere. I mentioned before that success is defined by people treating antis like they would treat Phelps/WBC..... -eg- the general public is a hair's length away from lynching the bastards. Until we get to that point, we haven't won.

It looks like they stopped getting any money when the AWB expired... perhaps the fact that blood did not run in the streets (except in Chicago) put the final nail in their credibility.

Yes... I think that was a big deal.... the AWB was sunsetted and quite literally "nothing happened". People started to see through the smokescreen that was the AWB... or at least, that the ban didn't have any meaningful effect on crime involving guns.

9/11 kind of blew them off the stage and caused a big perspective readjustment. Nobody gave a rats ass about a little bit of street violence after seeing how bad islamofacism is.

The million mom march was also basically destroyed due to a huge tax fraud scandal, and it got
"absorbed" by brady, which basically shelved it. This scandal also trickled down into various sub-orgs of the main one...

Basically, they were an org like ACORN, lie/cheat/steal to reach whatever their objective was.

Then they had another march that "failed" too (in 2001, even before 9/11) only a tiny portion of the trumpeted protesters showed up, something like 200 people.

The antis don't exactly have their s**t together on the grassroots end of things... and part of that it is difficult to get people motivated on a platform that's basically entirely based on lies and blatant misrepresentations of reality. It's all based on a goebbels-like platform of preaching... problem is for them, the availability of information allows the lie to be crushed easily.

Their power is sole sourced from elites influencing other political elites who are sympathetic to their cause, but that comes as no surprise... they've basically been reduced to dealing only with people who are dumb

I have another take on this. Look at what they have been able to accomplish with such small budgets...

The thing is Brady is not the only player.... they're now just one cockroach out of a whole bunch. Further, that's just money under their PAC, it doesn't touch individual contributions made by their members, etc. Brady can send out an email blast saying "donate to so and sos campaign" and money goes from those people to that campaign, without touching their bank account.

Most of their power comes from people that already agree with them. Not much "work" to do if that is the case. Further, those politicians are also financially supported by other anti groups as well as "kitchen sink" type community type groups which might have gun control as a portion of their agenda.

Gun control has largely been parasitic- eg, it's glommed itself onto the "progressive cause bandwagon" and it doesn't take much for them to sell their garbage agenda to other moonbats. The moonbats welcome them with open arms, because it "sounds" progressive. [thinking]

The antis don't exactly have their s**t together on the grassroots end of things... and part of that it is difficult to get people motivated on a platform that's basically entirely based on lies and blatant misrepresentations of reality. It's all based on a goebbels-like platform of preaching... problem is for them, the availability of information allows the lie to be crushed easily.


Isn't this really true for ALL of the left's positions??
I have another take on this. Look at what they have been able to accomplish with such small budgets...

Not a whole f-ing lot.

Concealed carry continues to be liberalized across most of the country. Any mention of gun control is political suicide.

Care to mention any VPC/Brady/HGI legislative successes?

I'm sure I don't have to tell you that the attitudes towards firearms are drastically different in the majority of the country compared to where you are.
Isn't this really true for ALL of the left's positions??

Yes, for a lot of things that is the case, but I think the lie : fact + twisting ratio in the the gun control crowd is pretty much unparalleled. Most of their platform is based off lies and hyperbole- their existence is demonizing firearms into a nuclear weapons. [thinking]

Contrast that with say, some tree hugger complaining about a forest getting mowed down for a housing development. I might not necessarily agree with the tree hugger, but at least I can -SEE- that the forest isn't there anymore because someone cut it down... the "issue" at least in that case is "real".

Compare this to gun control, which basically latches into street violence. mass shootings, and gun accidents (usually via pure negligence) and correlates it through a series of f**ked up twists, turns, manipulations, etc, into being the fault of lawful gun owners and the gun industry- and not the fault of the gangbanger or his family (for raising an thug a**h***). "Blame the gun" is a cop out of epic proportions and they all know it... it's easier for them to blame the tool than it is the person committing the bad acts, because to do that would mean they'd have to offend someone or examine a much more complicated issue. It's "cheaper" for them to blame the gun than it is to figure out why little jimmy/dontrell/whoever grew up to be a gangbanger a**h*** and make the effort on all fronts to keep that from happening.

The thing is Brady is not the only player.... they're now just one cockroach out of a whole bunch. Further, that's just money under their PAC, it doesn't touch individual contributions made by their members, etc. Brady can send out an email blast saying "donate to so and sos campaign" and money goes from those people to that campaign, without touching their bank account.

Most of their power comes from people that already agree with them. Not much "work" to do if that is the case. Further, those politicians are also financially supported by other anti groups as well as "kitchen sink" type community type groups which might have gun control as a portion of their agenda.

Gun control has largely been parasitic- eg, it's glommed itself onto the "progressive cause bandwagon" and it doesn't take much for them to sell their garbage agenda to other moonbats. The moonbats welcome them with open arms, because it "sounds" progressive. [thinking]



Lots of anti-gun money actually comes from 'we the taxpayers' through leftist NGOs who jump on the Brady bandwagon to 'rid our cities' of violence and 'save the children'.
Not a whole f-ing lot.

Concealed carry continues to be liberalized across most of the country. Any mention of gun control is political suicide.

Care to mention any VPC/Brady/HGI legislative successes?

I'm sure I don't have to tell you that the attitudes towards firearms are drastically different in the majority of the country compared to where you are.

In the timeframe of that graph, the Brady bill, lautenberg and the awb to name a few. Compared to the NRA, there expenditures were tiny.
In the timeframe of that graph, the Brady bill, lautenberg and the awb to name a few. Compared to the NRA, there expenditures were tiny.

In the long view, I actually count the AWB as a victory for gun rights: all the prophesied doom, all the blood that was inevitably going to run in the streets, and yet when it actually expired, nothing happened. A lot of people noticed that.
Not only that, the ban energizes the political base of gun owners like nothing else. In the short run it was ten years of BS. In the long run it was a gift.
Gave us ten years of stats to show what we had claimed all along followed by 6 years of stats to prove in the affirmative:

1. Less guns did not reduce violent crime, not even gun crime (in fact, it increased).
2. More and more evil guns (post ban) did not increase violent crime, even gun crime (in fact, it decreased).

Much like Socialism, it is clear to many of us that it will not work by its very design, but others have to see it in action for themselves, before they are convinced.
I guess that's good news.

Remember, there's other pro-tyranny organizations out there that get their funding through other means. Most of them operate under the auspices of "social justice" or some other left-wing crackery.

Buy guns, buy ammo, join pro-freedom organizations, write about freedom, talk about freedom, and bring people on the fence to the range. The war for liberty is definitely been a hard fought one. Remember, tyranny is old. Freedom is a new concept. Let's keep it alive.
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