looking for a 9mil carry gun

Be an odd ball like me and carry a full size beretta 92. Come on, be different.
Be an odd ball like me and carry a full size beretta 92. Come on, be different.

Only way I'd ever carry one of those again would be in a shoulder holster or openly in an OWB. I just couldn't get comfortable with one in an IWB. I can do so with a full size 1911 or the G19 though, go figure.
This. Glocks are great, but you will have a tough time finding one in this state under $700.

No, not that hard to do. Look around more. There are plenty of Glocks in MA that don't cost anywhere near $700, particularly if you are willing to buy a 2nd gen.

If your getting a shield some point go with something a bit larger and higher capacity. Glock 19. Can be easily had for under 600.

Sr9c is also a fine choice if your sticking to tens.
Hey look, another 9mm carry gun thread...

I suggest a Ruger LC9 or SR9c

Hickok45 has videos on both on YouTube, he'll tell you more then I ever could...I like them both
Walther pps.deserves another mention along with the pm9 really it all depends on what you are comfortable with carrying everyday..... I carry everyday I have the pps I would.carry a pm9 everyday! I tried to carry.a glock everyday I personally left it home a lot.... others are different.. but all the suggestions here are good now its just what you are comfy with
I suggest taking an afternoon and going to the gun range and shooting as many different types as you can. Get a feel for each gun and base your decision off of that. If your going to be carrying it daily you gotta like it or else it ends up sitting in the safe. Everyones taste is different.
I must say I don't think I'll ever rid myself of my glock 19 and 26. Love them both. Great guns, and I've never had an issue yet.

I started with a Ruger SR9c, the compact model it shot great, but it felt a bit small in my hand.

The H&K P30 is a bit out of your range, but the ergo's on it are phenomenal for me.

For more pocket carry, Kahr PM9 is what i'd turn to.

Good luck. Let us know how you make out.
Since no one has mentioned it you could pick up a Keltec in either P11 or PF9. The P11 would give you 10+1 and access to 5900 series pre-ban hi cap mags as a back up. The PF9 is a single stack so you loose a couple rounds at 7+1. These are both smaller than a G26 and will be cheaper with the MA premium.
The better half told me a few days ago she let me buy a few guns in jan 1 for my bday and 1 for a late xmas gift so im getfing a glock... I looked around in zero hour amd they had nice 1s for a good prices.now tbe other 1 was going to be a ruger lc9 but after reading about them on here i guess the firing pin just falls out. So im leaning more to the sig p238 which i have seen the p238 sas which on the sig site isnt mass legal but being sold? Any1 have an idea? Or even if the sig 938 is ma legal? Rly would love to have it
I use both my Walther PPS and the P99c QA 9mm . The both the P99 and the PPS have never had a jam (I know, I know probably just lucky, but I do clean and oil them after each use), no matter the ammo I put in the OEM Walther mag.
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