Looking for a club near Milford

Apr 20, 2010
Uxbridge, MA
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I am getting back into shooting after a 4-5 year hiatus. I used to be a member at the WSA over in Bedford, but that is to long of a drive now that I live in Milford. I don't have much experience with the clubs around here. I am mainly a pistol shooter but access to rife ranges or trap fields is a plus. I was thinking of taking a look at Hopkinton Sportsman's Association, as they seemed to have the most breadth of activities/facilities. Any suggestions?


I am getting back into shooting after a 4-5 year hiatus. I used to be a member at the WSA over in Bedford, but that is to long of a drive now that I live in Milford. I don't have much experience with the clubs around here. I am mainly a pistol shooter but access to rife ranges or trap fields is a plus. I was thinking of taking a look at Hopkinton Sportsman's Association, as they seemed to have the most breadth of activities/facilities. Any suggestions?


I'm a member of Hopkinton and it's a great range. They are finishing up the 200 yard range and the two new pistol pits, there's an indoor range open 24x7, Trap/Skeet Field and a fishing pond. Let me know if your interested in a tour.
I used to belong to WSA, then moved to metrowest.

I'm at Southborough Rod & Gun Club in Hopkinton www.srgclub.com We have a nice 7-lane 50 foot indoor range, that's not particularly featured on the website, as well as trap, skeet, ourdoor range, pond, etc.

I you're free tonight, it's our monthly meeting - an excellet way to get a feel for what's happening around the place.

The meeting starts at 7:30 , but dinner (spaghetti, etc., I heard through the grapevine) starts at 6:00 and is $6. If you decide to drop in, and you get there by 7:00 you'd have a chance to see the place, too.

If you're intersted, please PM me back.

good huntng!
It was great meeting you yesterday Aaron. Hope you enjoyed the tour. Let me know if you have any other questions.

If you ever feel like heading to the club to do some shooting, send me a PM!
Southboro Rod and Gun, Hopkinton Sportsmans, Woodville and Masepenock(sp?) are all within driving range of Milford. I'm a member at Southboro, it's a great club with great members. If you want a tour, pm me and we can set up a time.
I toured Hopkinton and Southboro, I ended up at Southboro but I think you'll find both clubs to be excellent places to be a member.
Maspenock Rod and Gun Club is in Milford (Mass.), and has a 100-yard range, a good walk-along archery course, and really great trap-shooting facilities. If you're interested in membership, stop by some Sunday morning or Wednesday night at the trap range and we'll help you out. Thanks.
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