Looking for a great 1st AR15

you mentioned the M&P15T....here is my M&P15FT which is the same but has the fixed factory stock (not the stock pictured however, i switched mine out for an ACE) this model comes with quadrail handguard & folding MAGPUL battle sights from S&W. it also has the flat top receiver with full length upper rail for optics, forward assist, and dust cover. figure around $1100 out the door...


i added the EOTech XPS, Geissele SSA trigger, LED rail light, hogue grip, & Ace skeleton stock. this thing is SWEET!! i love it, dead nuts accurate already sighted in from S&W....this past weekend i was hitting empty shotgun shells setup at 50yds, standing up from my shoulder no less, and i am not an expert shooter by any means. i setup 10 shells and hit them all with 12 shots, the 2 misses being my so-so shooting ability i'm sure. but i am nothing but happy with this rifle. also, it has a 1:8 twist w/ 5R rifling so the barrel can handle a heavier bullet, like 62 or 77 grain, if you would like.
So I guess a big question is which caliber should I get?? The .223 or 5.56? What's the pro's and con's between the two? I would naturally go with 5.56 just mainly because it's a bigger round. Is the pricing for the two ammo types that different?

I went to Four Seasons and saw some of the Stagarms models and damn they are nice. Especially the model 3 and 8.
I have one of each, an LMT as well as a Stag and love them both. Get 5.56mm instead of handicapping yourself with 223. Twice as much ammo to shoot.
I have one of each, an LMT as well as a Stag and love them both. Get 5.56mm instead of handicapping yourself with 223. Twice as much ammo to shoot.

That's what I was thinking (going with the 5.56mm caliber). Figured can't be that much of a difference in ammo price to limit myself to .223.
I'm not sold on gas pistons myself. I still prefer a DI gun. BCM sent me some propaganda with some parts I ordered bragging about their "dirty 14". Something like 31K rounds without cleaning on a DI gun... Just lube and a replacement of the extractor I think.
Gas guns aren't as accurate as I understand it either - although I don't own one so I can't say from experience. Also there is no AR standard for piston designs. So parts often aren't interchangeable and you become married to a specific manufacturer. I also understand there can be problems with the bolt carrier group getting shoved down but I think they have been largely resolved.
BW23 said:
That's what I was thinking (going with the 5.56mm caliber). Figured can't be that much of a difference in ammo price to limit myself to .223.

If I have misunderstood your posts, I beg your pardon, but the 5.56 is not a "bigger round." Depending on the specifics of manufacture, it may have a higher pressure and thicker case than a .223, but it is an almost identical round. They are so nearly identical that a 5.56 gun can shoot both of these calibers...that's why Fixxah referenced there being twice as much ammo...if your gun is chambered in 5.56, then you can pick from all the 5.56 AND all the .223 on the shelf. It is not recommended that you shoot 5.56 ammo in a .223 gun because the gun was not designed for the higher pressure of the 5.56 cartridge. With new manufacture there is less risk, but it remains not the brightest idea.
if your gun is chambered in 5.56, then you can pick from all the 5.56 AND all the .223 on the shelf. It is not recommended that you shoot 5.56 ammo in a .223 gun because the gun was not designed for the higher pressure of the 5.56 cartridge. With new manufacture there is less risk, but it remains not the brightest idea.

Thanks for further clarifying! I'm just an AR sponge trying to soak all the good info in.

So it's almost a no brainer to get 5.56mm AR.
BW23 said:
Thanks for further clarifying! I'm just an AR sponge trying to soak all the good info in.

So it's almost a no brainer to get 5.56mm AR.

Yup. Unless you are designing something super specialized, go 5.56. There is no reason for it to raise your cost and it gives you more ammo options.
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