Looking for a gun club

Jun 25, 2024
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Hey the names billy im originally from Virginia , im 28 years old and i just got my ltc!!! I would love to join a gun club close to Methuen but i hear you need sponsors for most! I'm hard working and willing to give a hand whenever needed!
Welcome to the Democratic People's Republic of Massachusetts (DPRM)

You may find that the motto of your previous state has new meaning here. My son has migrated in the opposite direction [laugh]

Most clubs around here have events that will allow non-members to see the place. For instance, my Club has Trap on Sundays, where you can meet people.

There are several Clubs up your way, and I'm sure that others will chime in. If you add your general location to the Thread title, you may get better responses.
Hey the names billy im originally from Virginia , im 28 years old and i just got my ltc!!! I would love to join a gun club close to Methuen but i hear you need sponsors for most! I'm hard working and willing to give a hand whenever needed!

How far is “close to Methuen”?
Country pond fish and game newton nh is not far from metheun. You can join wothout a sponsor of you attend 5 open to the public events and have the event chair person sign a form each time you attend that you were safely handling fire arms.

Calendar of events is below.......all events highlighted in green are open to the public. You can print the form from the site and bring it with you to the events. Make sure you tell the event chair when you sign in to shoot that you have the form and are looking to have him or her sign it for membership reasons.

Here is the link to membership info and you can download ans print the form on this page

Check out Centralville Sportsman's Club in Dracut. When I moved into the area and didn't know anyone, I showed up at a monthly meeting and spoke to one of the club officers about getting sponsored. Great club, great people, if I hadn't moved out of MA I would still be a member.
Hey the names billy im originally from Virginia , im 28 years old and i just got my ltc!!! I would love to join a gun club close to Methuen but i hear you need sponsors for most! I'm hard working and willing to give a hand whenever needed!
Check out the Pelham Fish and game club. Pelham NH. Right next door to you. 300 acres. Everythng you'd want. We're in the process of building a $2 Million 12 position indoor shooting range. Check out the website. Pelhamfishandgame.org
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