Looking for handgun safety course in Eastern CT, (New London County)


NES Member
Feb 23, 2014
GA; (CT escapee)
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Friend of a friend reached out to me, they want to get a pistol permit, and are looking for an instructor.

CT State portal says:
You are required to complete a handgun safety course, which must consist of no less than the NRA's "Basic Pistol Course," prior to submitting the application. The NRA's "Home Firearms Safety Course" and "First Steps Pistol Orientation Program" are not approved courses.

Live fire is also required. Computer-generated programs, dry-fire, other simulated shooting tools, plastic bullets, air guns or any other alternatives are not acceptable. Students must fire a semi-automatic pistol or revolver. Any questions should be referred to the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit.

Any recommendations?
Not CT, but not far....The Preserve in Richmond RI does NRA basic pistol and it has live fire.

looks like there is one next weekend Classes - The Preserve Academy

You can also do the course online off the NRA's website (think it was $65) and then get an NRA instructor to sign-off on live fire, and that counts as NRA basic pistol. That's any NRA certified pistol instructor. I did that cause it was a Basic Pistol was pre-req for a different class I was taking. Did the online stuff, sent the instructor the completion cert, and live fire was part of the class I was taking anyway, so he signed off on it.

The practical for Basic Pistol is pretty straighforward...show safe handling, loading, unloading, fire at a target 3yards away, simpe malfunctions
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