Looking for Jim Keegan

Dec 17, 2012
Bristol, RI
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I am looking for Jim Keegan Newton PD. Likely retired by now I knew him in the 90s. Also his sergeant ( do not have the name)- Korean war vet...
Best bet might be to contact the NPD union president and ask him to have these guys contact you.
I used to shoot with Jim in Hopkinton until he retired and moved (it might have been to main). I'll see if I can find an old email from him and check to see if it's still active.
Jimmy and I go way back. He used to accompany our pistol team to matches in Philly and NJ. He dated a former neighbor of mine in the 90s and then I lost touch with him.
I met Jim in early nineties, while working security. He was very kind to new immigrant from Russia, introduced me to his sergeant and two of them took me to Kittery and helped me get my first gun.I moved away in 93 and lost contact... Always regretted it. His sergeant lived in Newton, was about to retire then and was an accomplished marksman. Took me shooting with him several times. He was special forces in Korea, hunting down communist agitators, one on one. Jim's girlfriend was helping him to write a book...
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