I'm having such a tough time with this decision. I just got my LTC-A a few months ago and now I'm looking to buy my first rifle. I've got a Ruger SR9c for my carry and what I've been using at the range but now I'm looking for something bigger.
I was originally looking at the M&P 15-22 because of how inexpensive the ammo will be and I'll be able to spend the day at the range and spend a small amount of money. But with the price of the 15 Sport just a bit more, it's very tempting. My thoughts were to get the 15 Sport and get a .22 conversion bolt for it so that I get the best of both worlds. I don't mind spending the $600 on the Sport and the extra $200 on the conversion. But then I am thinking why not pick up the 15-22 for now, and just pick up the 15 Sport later on? Then I won't have any issues with the .22 ammo gumming my 15 Sport and I'll have two guns instead. But there's just something about an actual AR15 that I really want, and I can't buy both right now.
So either buy a 15 Sport and .22 conversion bolt now
Or buy a 15-22 now and then buy a 15 Sport later on down the road
If you were in my shoes, what would you do?
I was originally looking at the M&P 15-22 because of how inexpensive the ammo will be and I'll be able to spend the day at the range and spend a small amount of money. But with the price of the 15 Sport just a bit more, it's very tempting. My thoughts were to get the 15 Sport and get a .22 conversion bolt for it so that I get the best of both worlds. I don't mind spending the $600 on the Sport and the extra $200 on the conversion. But then I am thinking why not pick up the 15-22 for now, and just pick up the 15 Sport later on? Then I won't have any issues with the .22 ammo gumming my 15 Sport and I'll have two guns instead. But there's just something about an actual AR15 that I really want, and I can't buy both right now.
So either buy a 15 Sport and .22 conversion bolt now
Or buy a 15-22 now and then buy a 15 Sport later on down the road
If you were in my shoes, what would you do?