M&P 45 MA ?

I have a M+P .45 with the "normal" trigger and I absolutely hate the gun. For some reason I just don't like how it feels in my hand, and the trigger sucks even in it's non-Mass configuration.


My mileage didn't vary.

Specifically, my M&P has the normal trigger and it still sucks.

In all fairness, I have not broken it in - heck, I haven't even fired it - but the trigger feels like the AG's mythical 5-year old assembled the linkage from rusty Erector Set pieces.

Of course, being used to SVI's and S&W revolvers, pretty much any double-action trigger will feel defective.

And they are.......
My mileage didn't vary.

Specifically, my M&P has the normal trigger and it still sucks.

In all fairness, I have not broken it in - heck, I haven't even fired it - but the trigger feels like the AG's mythical 5-year old assembled the linkage from rusty Erector Set pieces.

Of course, being used to SVI's and S&W revolvers, pretty much any double-action trigger will feel defective.

And they are.......

Well, then why don't you sell it to me at huge loss and end the whole nightmare. [smile]

You'll feel better once it's gone! [wink]
I agree that the S&W (US Standard) triggers leaving the factory are piss-poor.

It takes 750+ rds (or dry-fires) to smooth the thing out. One M&P .45 dropped from 11+ # (out of the box) to ~8# after ~750 rds.

I don't understand how he did it w/o replacing/removing parts, but Dave Santurri took the 9c that someone before me owned and brought it down to ~4.5#. This is a MA trigger too! Amazing, simply amazing.

So the M&Ps can be worked on such to give a pretty damn good trigger, even with the MA garbage trigger.

But you either have to break it in, or just sell it . . . because it's not real nice out of the box.
I finally got to try a full size M&P .45 today. I didn't get to put many rounds through it but I liked it. Not much difference than my .40. Trigger wasn't bad at all, standard factory and it was brand new. I'll get more rounds through it in the next couple of weeks.
I hope to try out the compact in a few weeks[smile]
I agree that the S&W (US Standard) triggers leaving the factory are piss-poor.

It takes 750+ rds (or dry-fires) to smooth the thing out. One M&P .45 dropped from 11+ # (out of the box) to ~8# after ~750 rds.

I don't understand how he did it w/o replacing/removing parts, but Dave Santurri took the 9c that someone before me owned and brought it down to ~4.5#. This is a MA trigger too! Amazing, simply amazing.

So the M&Ps can be worked on such to give a pretty damn good trigger, even with the MA garbage trigger.

But you either have to break it in, or just sell it . . . because it's not real nice out of the box.

That must be the problem with mine. Trigger is awful, even without the MA 14,000 pound pull.
+1 Len. My M&P 45 had one of those awful triggers until Greg Derr fixed it up for me. It went from a "Sigma like trigger" to a great trigger. Night and day. Too bad Smith has to "eff" it up, and we then have to "fix" it to be usable. Gotta love Massachusetts. Still, its an awesome pistol. Replaced all but a couple of my Glocks with, in my opinion, superior M&P's.

I agree that the S&W (US Standard) triggers leaving the factory are piss-poor.

It takes 750+ rds (or dry-fires) to smooth the thing out. One M&P .45 dropped from 11+ # (out of the box) to ~8# after ~750 rds.

I don't understand how he did it w/o replacing/removing parts, but Dave Santurri took the 9c that someone before me owned and brought it down to ~4.5#. This is a MA trigger too! Amazing, simply amazing.

So the M&Ps can be worked on such to give a pretty damn good trigger, even with the MA garbage trigger.

But you either have to break it in, or just sell it . . . because it's not real nice out of the box.
Bill, my comments were related to the "industry standard" trigger on the M&P .45. There is no such thing as a MA trigger for an M&P .45 as of this date.
Bill, I just wanted to make sure that nobody was confused.

Personally I think S&W does such a sucky job of mfg guns (wrt trigger pull) that they could easily meet the AG's "horrendous pull requirement" OOB on any of their guns!

When/if you take the Factory Tour, you get to understand why this is the way it is. So I just accept the premise that "it will get better (to a point) with use".
You can easily make a Mass M&P trigger as good as a standard Glock trigger with a little work.

Just replace the trigger return spring with a stock part from Brownell's. Then remove the sear and grind off most of the hump in the back of the sear. Then, if you want to shorten the reset, cut an angle on the rounded front portion of the sear that contacts the trigger bar.

It won't have the positive reset click that a glock trigger has, but you don't really need that since the reset will be so short. I find you can shoot VERY quickly and naturally.
I got to run a couple of boxes through an M&P45 that had been broken in, and it easily outshot the Sig 2340 I've been carrying for the last 4 years. The trigger was okay; not good enough to be notable, not bad enough to worry about fixing.

I can see the M&P45 and a Glock 30 replacing my 2340 and G27. I like 45 better than 40 anyway.
Is the M&P45C out in MA yet?

No M&P 45s are available in MA to non LE. No clue when/if S&W will make the mods to meet the AG's Regs . . . it's been much too long already. The FS is on the EOPS List, so LE can purchase it. Last I looked, neither the mid or compact sizes were even on the EOPS List.
They were however, sold for two days in the state until someone discovered a "paperwork" error. So, though rare, some are already in-state. The difficult part is to convince those owners to part with them.
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I've seen numerous M+P .45's in MA but the .45c isn't even out yet in free states let alone in MA... (at least it isn't even on the S+W website...)

So they DO exist. I guess they haven't bothered to add it to their
site.. or I'm not looking in the right place. [laugh]


Mike, I know of people who have the 45c, as well as some dealers (outside MA) selling them and occasionally have them in stock.
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