I wasn't trying to insult you. I'm pretty much a noob. Basically just saying that those are both good guns and both are accurate. Unless you're a hall of fame shooter i doubt you would be able to tell (by shooting) which gun is technically "more accurate".
However, i will address your original question. During my basic pistol class i took in january to apply for my LTC i got to shoot both guns in 9mm. Before that i had my heart set on getting a sig229 once i got my license. I held a sig239 (didnt get to shoot though) during basic pistol and immediately decided that it was an incredibly uncomfortable gun to hold (for me).
I shot the walther p99 first and did ok with it. Then i shot the M&P9 and it was even more comfortable than the walther (which is also very ergonomic). My groups were way tighter and it just felt natural to me to aim it and all my shots hit POA.
So for me the decision is clear that i am getting an M&P. Your decision could be different. Maybe you'll decide that neither is right for you after shooting them both. I'll probably still get a sig one day but i think it's best if my first carry gun be one that i know i can shoot well and is comfortable.
Point is take any "which gun is better" advice on an internet message board with a giant grain of salt. You'll find people on message boards that swear any "plastic" gun is a POS. Others might say 1911's suck.
The only "which gun is better" advice I have received on the internet that isn't totally subjective and biased is when someone says to shoot it before buying it.
I see your point. I've fired the PPK, GLOCK 19, 26, Kimber 1911, M&P 9, 40 and a few others. I am more accurate (almost dead on with the M&P. Since the P99 sits better in my hand and I feel that will allow more control, I have this thought that I might shoot better with that than the M&P. Could be the opposite as well. I just haven't found a rental place in MD, DC, VA or WV that had the P99. Guess I'll have to move into other states.