M1 gas plug


Mar 29, 2013
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Putting on a new sling on my 43 i remembered I had an adjustable gas plug, So went to look and could not find it
Went online and could not find any at the GS saying discontinued ?
They stop making the Schuster ?
Looked at those since I could not find one
Thats why I went schuster . They had that and the ports as well
Want to keep my options open
Picked up some 5 rnd clips so I can put it into the hunting rotation if need be
Want to keep my options open
Picked up some 5 rnd clips so I can put it into the hunting rotation if need be
Im doubtful a few rounds for hunting will be a problem.
A heavy diet of 220 grain “high” velocity ammo may not fair well on the old M1

Theres old load data out there for 220 grains that they used for 1000 yard matches. In a day when op rods where cheap and plentiful
Knowing that there are things out there that will the girl healthy for years to come is a no brainer in my opinion
And the person after me will appreciate it
PPU and Sellier and Bellot both make M1 specific ammo.
Or you can just reload your own.
Keep under 175 grain bullet weight.
Heck most anything other than 150 gn fodder including any M2 Ball will be more expensive anyway
That’s what I hear from a number of peeps. Anyone bent an op rod here?

Had to shoot commercial at an indoor range one day as they would not allow using the milsurp M2 ball I brought. Held together thru 4 boxes.
What it comes down to is really slow powder for the big bullets think 220 grain
Remember the M1 ended up being designed to shoot M1 ball
174 gn at 2650 fps or so at the muzzle
IMR powder iirc 1185 which is on the fast side like 4895 .

Basically if its 150-175 grain your probably not going to have such a slow powder in those offerings to have to much port pressure.

Fresh springs will also help.

Like I said there are old articles in Rifleman that have 220 grain loads loaded hot for 1000 yard matches when not requires to shoot provided ammo

Theres no reason to abuse these old dogs
Almost no reason to buy any heavy bullet fodder . Theres plenty of M1 safe ammo out there.
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