M1A OK to Purchase Out of State and Transfer into Mass via FFL?


NES Member
Jan 6, 2013
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Checking w/ a FFL that has been my go-to for receiving and transferring firearms from out of state, regarding the M1A I was told to verify that it's Mass legal to transfer e.g. on the approved list or otherwise legal. Not naming names but this is an FFL that was always comfortable with frame transfers, lowers, etc., and never over-interpreted Mass law. 100% one of the good guys, but that answer has me perplexed.

There was some discussion on this within the 5118 posts on the h.4885 thread, but I don't have a clear understanding whether or not that Appendix A firearms list became binding or not. Particularly- I did not see the standard M1A listed despite the fact that the Mini-14 was listed. It's a pretty stupid list as most of the listed firearms would be clearly legal without being listed- single shot, bolt action, O/U shotguns, etc.

So here's what I'm trying to do: My CMP vintage sniper teammate wants to shoot in the Vietnam era competitions thus I'd be building a M21 clone. Older Springfield Armory M1A's that someone had prepped to be a service rifle (heavy match barrel, bedded action, etc.) would be the perfect baseline- if I could source one. Am I stuck with (good gawd, I'm not gonna say pre you know what) M1A's that are already in Mass?


Is it bad form to bump my own thread? Wait, I think I need to generate more interest...

(Salacious content removed. It didn't help to keep this thread going) [laugh]

While I don't particularly care if I have permission, my friendly neighborhood FFL's might.
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You can buy it at a FFL out of state. You can buy it and have shipped to a MA FFL. Whether it is legal depends. Some M1As are ok but most are assault style firearms. We would need the specific model to know if it is legal or not. The springfield part number and/or pictures.
Here’s what I was thinking of. It sounds like the FCAB recommendation is to drop the roster requirement but we’re not there yet. Soon. Maybe.

Didn’t the state (by decree) recently nullify the long gun roster concept or am I making that up?
I don't know how it all works now. AR's typically have a few of the evil features while a M1A is typically in your basic Fudd stock. The only thing that could be a problem would be the 'large capacity' detachable mag for a semi.
Appendix A guns are fine:

(g) “Assault-style firearm” shall not include any: (i) firearm that is operated by manual
bolt, pump, lever or slide action; (ii) firearm that has been rendered permanently inoperable or
otherwise rendered permanently unable to be designated as a semiautomatic assault-style
firearm; (iii) firearm that is an antique or relic, theatrical prop or other firearm that is not capable
of firing a projectile and which is not intended for use as a functional firearm and cannot be
readily modified through a combination of available parts into an assault-style firearm; (iv) any
of the firearms, or replicas or duplicates of such firearms, specified in appendix A to 18 U.S.C.
section 922 as appearing in such appendix on September 13, 1994, as such firearms were
manufactured on October 1, 1993
; or (v) semiautomatic shotgun that cannot hold more than 5 rounds of ammunition in a fixed or detachable feeding device.
Here’s what I was thinking of. It sounds like the FCAB recommendation is to drop the roster requirement but we’re not there yet. Soon. Maybe.

He's asking for "Assault Style Firearms" purposes, not the roster
I don't know how it all works now. AR's typically have a few of the evil features while a M1A is typically in your basic Fudd stock. The only thing that could be a problem would be the 'large capacity' detachable mag for a semi.

You need to read the new features test.

(a) a semiautomatic, centerfire rifle with the capacity to accept a detachable feeding
device and includes at least 2 of the following features: (i) a folding or telescopic stock; (ii) a
thumbhole stock or pistol grip; (iii) a forward grip or second handgrip or protruding grip that can
be held by the non-trigger hand; (iv) a threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash
suppressor or muzzle break or similar feature; or (v) a shroud that encircles either all or part of
the barrel designed to shield the bearer’s hand from heat, excluding a slide that encloses the
I don't know how it all works now. AR's typically have a few of the evil features while a M1A is typically in your basic Fudd stock. The only thing that could be a problem would be the 'large capacity' detachable mag for a semi.

We have moved on from
assault rifles and now its assault style rifles. It needs to fall outside the parameters of an assault style rifle now like @CrackPot said.
You can buy it at a FFL out of state. You can buy it and have shipped to a MA FFL. Whether it is legal depends. Some M1As are ok but most are assault style firearms. We would need the specific model to know if it is legal or not. The springfield part number and/or pictures.
Just your basic Springfield Armory M1A National Match or equivalent. No bayo lug but it does have a flash hider. That said, many I would consider are pre 94. Here's an example-


I'd imagine that a M1A in a Sage EBR chassis might raise some eyebrows, but an old match rifle? I'm checking w/ another FFL who I have bought from in the past but is a ~40 minute drive for me.
Just your basic Springfield Armory M1A National Match or equivalent. No bayo lug but it does have a flash hider. That said, many I would consider are pre 94.

Pre94 doesn’t matter anymore BTW. It was either in state on 8/1/24 to be legal or it wasn’t. There is no other preban exception for firearms.
You need to read the new features test.
Thank you- I had missed that new features test. Makes it more clear, but unfortunately not in a positive way. M1A's have two of those features- threaded barrel and shroud. :mad: The weird thing is that Mini-14's are on the Appendix A approved list. They are essentially identical to a M1A except for the caliber. 🤪

I might have located what I need in Mass, waiting for more details. :)
I will never, EVER again, live in a place where that question would ever have to be asked.....and on top of that, be insulted to the enth degree, by having to PAY TAXES to the entity that endlessly oppresses my rights.
I will never, EVER again, live in a place where that question would ever have to be asked.....and on top of that, be insulted to the enth degree, by having to PAY TAXES to the entity that endlessly oppresses my rights.
Say if another federal AWB like 1994-2004 was imposed, would you leave the country?
I will never, EVER again, live in a place where that question would ever have to be asked.....and on top of that, be insulted to the enth degree, by having to PAY TAXES to the entity that endlessly oppresses my rights.
Your state is definitely within Free America. Overall my time here has been a huge positive but in the end we will take our money and leave within a few short years. Honestly, up until now I have been able to get whatever I needed via one legal method or another. This is the first time I have been stumped.
Your state is definitely within Free America. Overall my time here has been a huge positive but in the end we will take our money and leave within a few short years. Honestly, up until now I have been able to get whatever I needed via one legal method or another. This is the first time I have been stumped.
Ya, kinda sucks right now if you want something cool.. I will probably lose it when KAC releases the KS3 lol
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