MA Assault Weapons Ban "AWB" FAQ

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Isn't the retard Glidden argument something like "well if you remove the tube from the shotgun, it doesn't actually hold the ammunition because it's incapable of holding it in place while not part of the gun" ? Although if you remove the spring i guess it would "hold" however many shells despite not being able to really be a "feeding device" etc. Then there's the shell size problem. Like if you take a 7? Shot pump and put 3.5" shells in it, it likely will not, in that circumstance, hold more than 5 shells.
The entire tube capacity concept collapsed when they made 1.75” mini shells.
MA has a grace period that allows for new gun owning residents moving into the state to bring their previously owned guns with them when they move. So long as the guns are MA legal and they apply for their LTC before the end of the grace period, new residents are allowed to retain possession of their guns no matter how long the local PD takes to issue the LTC (provided the guns are locked up the entire time of course).
As Jack Jones' lawyer was quick to point out.
My MA LTC came in the mail today. There was a booklet of law info with it. My permit is Class A: Large Capacity. (no restrictions).
Did my local PD make a mistake, or can I now buy regular firearms and magazines like MA was a normal state?

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That’s a good one. It might even hold up in court.
I’m dying to see what I get back with mine after the packet, I sent to them the other day
"large capacity weapons and feeding devices and ammunition."

not ambiguous at all, it uses words with definitions.
a firearm can be "large capacity" if it's capable of accepting a large capacity feeding device, large cap weapons aren't outlawed (yet) but LCFD are, so a glock 19 is a LC weapons, but a 10-round mag is not a LCFD.

interestingly, LCFD is defined, but i couldn't find a definition for just "feeding device"

Section 121. As used in sections 122 to 131Y, inclusive, the following words shall, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, have the following meanings:—

''Ammunition'', cartridges or cartridge cases, primers (igniter), bullets or propellant powder designed for use in any firearm, rifle or shotgun. The term ''ammunition'' shall also mean tear gas cartridges.

''Large capacity weapon'', any firearm, rifle or shotgun: (i) that is semiautomatic with a fixed large capacity feeding device; (ii) that is semiautomatic and capable of accepting, or readily modifiable to accept, any detachable large capacity feeding device; (iii) that employs a rotating cylinder capable of accepting more than ten rounds of ammunition in a rifle or firearm and more than five shotgun shells in the case of a shotgun or firearm; or (iv) that is an assault weapon. The term ''large capacity weapon'' shall be a secondary designation and shall apply to a weapon in addition to its primary designation as a firearm, rifle or shotgun and shall not include: (i) any weapon that was manufactured in or prior to the year 1899; (ii) any weapon that operates by manual bolt, pump, lever or slide action; (iii) any weapon that is a single-shot weapon; (iv) any weapon that has been modified so as to render it permanently inoperable or otherwise rendered permanently unable to be designated a large capacity weapon; or (v) any weapon that is an antique or relic, theatrical prop or other weapon that is not capable of firing a projectile and which is not intended for use as a functional weapon and cannot be readily modified through a combination of available parts into an operable large capacity weapon.
"large capacity weapons and feeding devices and ammunition."

not ambiguous at all, it uses words with definitions.
a firearm can be "large capacity" if it's capable of accepting a large capacity feeding device, large cap weapons aren't outlawed (yet) but LCFD are, so a glock 19 is a LC weapons, but a 10-round mag is not a LCFD.

interestingly, LCFD is defined, but i couldn't find a definition for just "feeding device"

Section 121. As used in sections 122 to 131Y, inclusive, the following words shall, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, have the following meanings:—

''Ammunition'', cartridges or cartridge cases, primers (igniter), bullets or propellant powder designed for use in any firearm, rifle or shotgun. The term ''ammunition'' shall also mean tear gas cartridges.

''Large capacity weapon'', any firearm, rifle or shotgun: (i) that is semiautomatic with a fixed large capacity feeding device; (ii) that is semiautomatic and capable of accepting, or readily modifiable to accept, any detachable large capacity feeding device; (iii) that employs a rotating cylinder capable of accepting more than ten rounds of ammunition in a rifle or firearm and more than five shotgun shells in the case of a shotgun or firearm; or (iv) that is an assault weapon. The term ''large capacity weapon'' shall be a secondary designation and shall apply to a weapon in addition to its primary designation as a firearm, rifle or shotgun and shall not include: (i) any weapon that was manufactured in or prior to the year 1899; (ii) any weapon that operates by manual bolt, pump, lever or slide action; (iii) any weapon that is a single-shot weapon; (iv) any weapon that has been modified so as to render it permanently inoperable or otherwise rendered permanently unable to be designated a large capacity weapon; or (v) any weapon that is an antique or relic, theatrical prop or other weapon that is not capable of firing a projectile and which is not intended for use as a functional weapon and cannot be readily modified through a combination of available parts into an operable large capacity weapon.
So basically every LC firearm after ‘94 or 2016 or 2024 (Bill passage) capable of receiving a LCFD will have to receive a permanently and unmodifiable fixed 10rd FD?
So basically every LC firearm after ‘94 or 2016 or 2024 (Bill passage) capable of receiving a LCFD will have to receive a permanently and unmodifiable fixed 10rd FD?
depends on the final language of whichever bill gets passed, at one point i think the definition of LC weapon only kicked in IF there was actually a LCFD in the weapon at the time...
My MA LTC came in the mail today. There was a booklet of law info with it. My permit is Class A: Large Capacity. (no restrictions).
Did my local PD make a mistake, or can I now buy regular firearms and magazines like MA was a normal state?

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For your lawful purposes, you're good to go, man. Pay that text no mind, as you knew that already as a pre-requisite to qualifying for your LTC.-A ;-)
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