Ma constitution

Aug 10, 2024
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I didn't realize that ma had no true 2nd amendment equivalent to us. When I looked closer it was talking about standing armies . isn't National guard standing army . depending how you look at it. Good luck trying to amend it to be exactly like us version or NH /Utah .
I didn't realize that ma had no true 2nd amendment equivalent to us. When I looked closer it was talking about standing armies . isn't National guard standing army . depending how you look at it. Good luck trying to amend it to be exactly like us version or NH /Utah .
How is "1 weekend a month, 2 weeks a year" standing? The guard is set up to be state militia until called into fed service. It's considered part of the "organized militia" when not in fed service.
The militia has to be under control of government of ma and only for " common defense ". This hasn't changes since the founding.
Art. XVII. The people have a right to keep and to bear arms for the common defence. And as, in time of peace, armies are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be maintained without the consent of the legislature; and the military power shall always be held in an exact subordination to the civil authority and be governed by it.
How is "1 weekend a month, 2 weeks a year" standing? The guard is set up to be state militia until called into fed service. It's considered part of the "organized militia" when not in fed service.
And how does the Guard standing a 24/7 air defense alert detachment play into that?
ma Haven't changed since 1790s . they tried. To ban handguns 1970s the referendum passed and the law was struck down I believe. 2026 will see . the problem in the big cities majority of population that vote are women who vote democrats. 52 % +-.
Irrelevant. SC rulings on 2A grounds effectively preempts any constitutional attempt by mASS or any other state to limit 2A freedoms.

Imagine if Ar-Kansas decided to amend their constitution to allow licensing of newspapers. Let's just go there. Is that legal?? F NO! So it's moops. Same here. I don't worry about what mASS says or doesn't say anymore. My rights are going to be confirmed in FEDERAL courts much to their chagrin.

In 50 years, mASS will be the bastion of 2A rights and places like TX and FL will try and curtail thsoe rights and you'll all be shocked. I'll be dead, but mark my words. It took 50 years to go from the busing crisis to BLM signs in every Boston lawn.
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