(MA) Gov Patrick Town Hall Meetings

Len-2A Training

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NES Member
Feb 26, 2005
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Might be an opportunity to get some points across to our esteemed leader! [rofl] [Not necessarily the ones that AARP wants to present. [smile] ]

Town Hall Meetings With Governor Patrick

Massachusetts Governor, Deval Patrick, announced late last week that he will be holding a town hall-style meeting tour across Massachusetts, starting on Tuesday, July 8th.

According to Governor Patrick, these "town hall-style meetings will be open to the public, giving residents a chance to talk directly to Governor Patrick about issues they care about most such as education reform, health care and the economy. Governor Patrick will also assemble his full Cabinet for four meetings in different regions of Massachusetts, giving the public more opportunities to ask questions and raise important matters in their communities."

The dates and cities/towns for these 11 meetings are listed below. Some of the venues have not yet been announced. Updates to the schedule will be posted here.

As you may know the Fiscal Year 2009 State Budget is now on the Governor's desk. Earlier today, AARP Massachusetts sent out an email with some of the budget highlights. Governor Patrick has until July 13th to make line-item vetoes and sign the budget into law.

AARP Massachusetts urges our members to consider attending these town hall-style meetings and ask the Governor to support those programs that matter to you most. All of these public events will be held outdoors and are weather permitting.


AARP Massachusetts
Town Hall Meeting Information

Date City/Town Address Time
7/8 Salem Armory Park 6 p.m.
7/10 Hull Bernie King Pavilion 6 p.m.
7/16 Amesbury TBA 6 p.m.
7/17 Holyoke TBA 6 p.m.
7/21 Milton TBA 6 p.m.
7/23 Webster TBA 6 p.m.
7/29 Rehoboth TBA 6 p.m.
7/30 Athol TBA 6 p.m.
8/4 Great Barington TBA 6 p.m.
8/11 Hyannis TBA 6 p.m.
8/23 Boston - Caribbean Day TBA 2 p.m.
Time to see how good that SOB is withoutt he teleprompter and his pre-written liberal, self reliance hating drivel

Someone needs to get him caught off guard as to rendee him speechless,
Together we can.


Looks like Borock is reacing down Devals pants.[smile]
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