MA LTC Application Question: Beverly

Nov 25, 2024
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Hi all, excited to join this group! This is my first post, so please let me know if I should be posting this another way/elsewhere.

I am looking to apply for an unrestricted LTC in Beverly, MA. I have completed the LTC training course and need to fill out the MA State Application. My question is re: the question on the form asking for the reason I am requesting an unrestricted LTC.

I’ve read many different pieces of advice on several forums and threads online, but many are old / none mention Beverly specifically. My goal is to get unrestricted on the first application, if possible. I’ve read lots of people disagreeing re: simply writing “All Lawful Purposes.”

Not sure if any of this is reason enough to include, but my background is: I started target shooting when I was 12 or 13 with my parents, both of whom have their LTC in RI. I am a mid-twenties female who is alone much of the time, occasionally travels into dodgy areas for work alone, and exercises outside alone. I want this for my own personal protection and to continue honing my skills with the sport.

Any insights would be greatly appreciated! TY!
I forget the new gun guy's name but he didn't give us a hard time on our renewals. The guy before him, Bill Terry was awesome. He's retired now, I think he might be President of Hamilton Wenham Rod and Gun. When I first applied I was told to not give a bunch of different reasons as you may end up hanging yourself. All Lawful Purposes covers it all. I've heard of some Towns in Mass that won't except that reason but I don't think Beverly is one of them. When I first got my LTC, Beverly was very pro-2A. While surrounded by a Cesspool of Anti-2A, Danvers, Peabody and Salem. The way that I, my wife and daughters applied is we made an appointment with the gun guy and he sat you in a chair and entered your application into his computer. You can ask when you get your appointment if that is still the case. Welcome to NES and Beverly, although I'm trying desperately to leave the latter and retire in NH.
I forget the new gun guy's name but he didn't give us a hard time on our renewals. The guy before him, Bill Terry was awesome. He's retired now, I think he might be President of Hamilton Wenham Rod and Gun. When I first applied I was told to not give a bunch of different reasons as you may end up hanging yourself. All Lawful Purposes covers it all. I've heard of some Towns in Mass that won't except that reason but I don't think Beverly is one of them. When I first got my LTC, Beverly was very pro-2A. While surrounded by a Cesspool of Anti-2A, Danvers, Peabody and Salem. The way that I, my wife and daughters applied is we made an appointment with the gun guy and he sat you in a chair and entered your application into his computer. You can ask when you get your appointment if that is still the case. Welcome to NES and Beverly, although I'm trying desperately to leave the latter and retire in NH.
Thanks so much! I need to mail my app to Lt. Michael Backstrom—is that who you worked with most recently?
I forget the new gun guy's name but he didn't give us a hard time on our renewals. The guy before him, Bill Terry was awesome. He's retired now, I think he might be President of Hamilton Wenham Rod and Gun. When I first applied I was told to not give a bunch of different reasons as you may end up hanging yourself. All Lawful Purposes covers it all. I've heard of some Towns in Mass that won't except that reason but I don't think Beverly is one of them. When I first got my LTC, Beverly was very pro-2A. While surrounded by a Cesspool of Anti-2A, Danvers, Peabody and Salem. The way that I, my wife and daughters applied is we made an appointment with the gun guy and he sat you in a chair and entered your application into his computer. You can ask when you get your appointment if that is still the case. Welcome to NES and Beverly, although I'm trying desperately to leave the latter and retire in NH.
Bill Terry is as solid as they come. Great guy. His term as VP of the Hamilton-Wenham Rod and Gun Club is coming to an end this year. We'll miss him on the board.
For me, Beverly PD was professional and a smooth process. “All lawful purposes” might sound like a smartass response but many people use that verbiage. Since this is your initial meeting and not a renewal, I would just be ready to answer the question “so why do you want a gun?” Without coming across like a menace. Sounds like you have that questioned figured out already. Lt backstrom is a friendly guy, you’re in good hands 👍
For me, Beverly PD was professional and a smooth process. “All lawful purposes” might sound like a smartass response but many people use that verbiage. Since this is your initial meeting and not a renewal, I would just be ready to answer the question “so why do you want a gun?” Without coming across like a menace. Sounds like you have that questioned figured out already. Lt backstrom is a friendly guy, you’re in good hands 👍
Awesome, thanks so much!!!
I was never asked why I want the LTC. I just showed up to my appointment and the officer checked my record. We talked about the war in Ukraine while he took my prints. There is a lot of old info on LTC, since 2022 you basically don't have to defend your reasons, and no one gets restricted licenses anymore.
OP, join Hamilton-Wenham gun club if you're looking for a range.
Close by, laid back, great people.
It's one of the few things I miss about MA.
Thanks so much! I’ve been meaning to look up ranges around here—I’ll be sure to check that one out!
Thanks so much! I need to mail my app to Lt. Michael Backstrom—is that who you worked with most recently?
Actually no. I ran into a friend of mine in Woburn yesterday afternoon. He's also a Beverly resident, an FFL and he's been helping a guy doing IT work at the Beverly Police Station. He says the guy after Bill Terry is gone. He said he's not sure how the new guy is either way. I'll just say as a Beverly resident for the last 33 years 95% of my interactions with BPD have been very positive and they've always seemed very pro-2A. On a personal note, I've always used Police for my two references, and Chief's or Statie's.
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