I try my best to keep up with all the nuances of firearms laws but it's gotten so complicated (which is their goal) that I'm confused. I'm a MA resident LTC holder who has owned property in NH for the past six years. I spend a good amount of time at my house in NH. What I'm struggling to understand is what I can and can't buy in NH and if I can buy it in NH, can I bring it to MA.
What I think to be true:
Thank you for your time.
What I think to be true:
- If the firearm is illegal in MA (i.e., AWB) under all the new BS, I can't legally bring it.
- I can't bring a 10+ round magazine unless it's pre-ban status.
- I can buy a long rifle or shotgun in NH (whether I own property or not) and can bring it to MA assuming it satisfies the first two bullets.
- Typically, any handgun purchase in NH would need to be transferred via a MA FFL. But if I own property there, is that still the case?
- If it is the case that I can buy handguns in NH
- A. On the MA approved roster: can I bring them into MA assuming 10 round or less magazine?
- B. Not on the MA approved roster: can I bring them into MA assuming 10 round or less magazine? I'm under the impression that the roster is what can be SOLD, not what can be POSSESSED. For instance: https://palmettostatearmory.com/300-blackout/300-blackout-pistols.html
- Does the fact that I own property in NH and spend time there make any difference at all in this discussion?
- Do criminals do this amount of research before committing gun crimes?
Thank you for your time.