MA resident and LTC holder who owns property in NH and confused

Sep 4, 2012
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I try my best to keep up with all the nuances of firearms laws but it's gotten so complicated (which is their goal) that I'm confused. I'm a MA resident LTC holder who has owned property in NH for the past six years. I spend a good amount of time at my house in NH. What I'm struggling to understand is what I can and can't buy in NH and if I can buy it in NH, can I bring it to MA.

What I think to be true:
  • If the firearm is illegal in MA (i.e., AWB) under all the new BS, I can't legally bring it.
  • I can't bring a 10+ round magazine unless it's pre-ban status.
  • I can buy a long rifle or shotgun in NH (whether I own property or not) and can bring it to MA assuming it satisfies the first two bullets.
What I'm not sure about:
  1. Typically, any handgun purchase in NH would need to be transferred via a MA FFL. But if I own property there, is that still the case?
  2. If it is the case that I can buy handguns in NH
    • A. On the MA approved roster: can I bring them into MA assuming 10 round or less magazine?
    • B. Not on the MA approved roster: can I bring them into MA assuming 10 round or less magazine? I'm under the impression that the roster is what can be SOLD, not what can be POSSESSED. For instance:
  3. Does the fact that I own property in NH and spend time there make any difference at all in this discussion?
  4. Do criminals do this amount of research before committing gun crimes?
I'm not asking anyone to list NH dealers who are more friendly to this than others. Please keep that information private. I want to understand the law.

Thank you for your time.
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