magazines law in ct .

i pray to god your wrong. just based upon the popularity AR's have gotten in the past 10 years, i am hoping the populace of some free state like texas (or please god wyoming or utah) will force the state to tell the feds to FO like a bunch of them have with marijuana. i can definitely see it happening if the feds try for confiscation. we'll see.

as for CT, i have pretty much given up hope, already have a renter lined up for my brand new house i just bought, im currently looking for work possibilities in a few states, and pricing property. its really sad, i would consider myself a good contributing member of society, i pay my 40% and accept it, but if they are going to deny me the liberty i demand, i will get out of this state ASAP, and i hope many more like me follow, this stupid little socialist state can be goddamned.

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