Maine Gun Clubs

first post I know but i may as well chime in. The maine maritime range may as well be removed from the list. it's been closed for several years, as we're told by academy management due to too much lead, inadequate range ventilation and lack of a range master, it was a .22 only range. we have a shooting club on campus now and we've been trying to get the range reopened but it's unlikely.
Falmouth Rod & Gun has been closed since last March due to abutter complaints. They have gotten all the engineering to update and make all ranges NRA safe but it takes time and lots of money to meet the requirements. The last I heard the price was in the 6 figures. They are dedicated to make it back into a working safe club.
They certainly will accept donations to help them pay for the needed work that included lots of environmental upgrades and raising impact and side berms to meet safety standards. Unfortunately the rifle range has a deep gully on one side that prevents putting up an earthen berm. That will require a concrete barrier of blocks that won't come cheap. All donations accepted. The blocks are $75 each and they need 350 of them.
As a member of the York County Fish and Game in Lyman I want to make a minor correction, our club is not open to the public except during organized shoots. Our membership is cheap and we welcome new members so don't let that stop you from joining
As a member of the York County Fish and Game in Lyman I want to make a minor correction, our club is not open to the public except during organized shoots. Our membership is cheap and we welcome new members so don't let that stop you from joining

Hello , Mike in Maine - building a house not far from Lyman , Maine , and would like to join your club this fall . Could you provide a contact number and time to call , or directions to your club
for a potential new member ? .
I'll see what contact info I can get for the Lincoln County Rifle Club.
And a little over five years later, here it is! (Hey, I've been busy. And I think they just got their Website up this month.)
<Lincoln County Rifle Club (LCRC) | A club for shooting enthusiasts>

Directions to the range, updated safety rules and a lot of other good stuff is available on the site. I believe this year is the 80th anniversary of the club's founding.

Nobody pointed out the difference between "MD" and "ME" to the guy in post #28? Wow, you guys are wicked polite. [wink]
Hey does anybody shoot 3-gun
I do. You have to watch the club schedules closely to get in on them. Hampden had some last year. And a rain out this year. Androscoggin had one but it was limited entrants. I went to a few at Pemi, NH last year and one (so far) this year. Waterford used to have them but I heard they weren't real 3 gun, just one gun per stage
Hello Maine shooters, are there any public ranges near Fairfield ie. Augusta? My Dad and I are going to the Poulin auction and wanted to shoot while we're there. A Google search found a bunch of skeet only public ranges but we'd like to shoot handgun and rifle too.
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Hello Maine shooters, are there any public ranges near Fairfield ie. Augusta? My Dad and I are going to the Poulin auction and wanted to shoot while we're there. A Google search found a bunch of skeet only public ranges but we'd like to shoot handgun and rifle too.

There's the public range in the Summerhaven pits area in Manchester, which is the next town over from Augusta. Unfortunately, while I know how to get there if I'm driving I don't remember any of the road names so I'm not actually much help here, but perhaps somebody else is familiar with the spot I'm talking about and can chime in with directions. It's basically just an open area with a dirt bank backstop. I've only shot there a couple times, I live in Wiscasset so it's a little bit of a drive for me, and the lack of what I consider a defined firing line makes me uncomfortable shooting there when other people are present since they tended to be sort of "all over the place" with regard to their positioning.
Howell's Gun and Archery, 81 West Gray Road, Gray, ME is going hammer and tongs on building their new indoor range. Not quite sure when it'll be finished, but it's coming right along. There are going to be memberships, but one can also go and shoot by the hour. The price they quoted me per lane per hour seemed reasonable, and if you went with a friend you could split it. No. is 207-657-2324 for more info. Unfortunately, the coffee shop, home of really wonderful homemade pastries, has closed. Darn!
Need to add to the Maine club list.

From the website:
Welcome to the Wiscasset Rod and Gun Club
794 Gardiner Rd P.O. Box 18 Wiscasset, ME 04578

We meet at 7:00 p.m. the third Thursday of every month in our Route 27 clubhouse. Prospective members are welcome to attend any meeting.
Any good gun clubs near Naples? I bought some land there and plan on building soon. Could be moving there soon after.
Thanks Bill
Penobscot Longrifles in Stetson, Maine (Bangor area)

There is also a National Muzzle loading Rifle Association muzzle loading club in Stetson called "The Penobscot Longrifles."

It's about 10-15 minutes SW of Bangor.

They shoot the last Sunday of each month. Contact Bob Frappier in Stetson, Maine for info (don't have his number).

Covered line. 25. 50, 100 yd range. Mostly M/L rifles, but they will shoot shotgun (blackpowder/pyrodex only) or pistol if you can talk a few other shooters into it for the day.

They also hold "Wood walks" on the grounds, which is a practical "shoot from the possibles bag" type of competion. They shoot through out the winter, so give them a try.
I don't think they are holding shoots anymore.
Here is a pretty good listing of Maine Gun Clubs from Traderscreek website. Edited & updated with any additional info I get.

# Auburn - Auburn Skeet Club, Rt 136, Auburn, ME 04210.
Facilities: Skeet

# Auburn - Androscoggin County Fish & Game Association

# Augusta - Capitol City Rifle & Pistol Club, Route 27, Augusta, ME 04332. 207-873-6324
Outdoor Pistol (50 yds), Indoor Pistol (50 ft), Outdoor Rifle (100 & 200 yds), Indoor Rifle (50 ft), Silhouette, Muzzleloading, Archery
Capitol City Rifle & Pistol Club | Shooting Range

# Blue Hill - Blue Hill Rifle and Pistol Club, Inc., Range Road, Blue Hill, ME 04614.
Outdoor Pistol (100 yds), Indoor Pistol (50 ft), Outdoor Rifle (100 yds), Indoor Rifle (50 ft), Muzzleloading, Trap, Archery, Airgun

# Boothbay Region Fish and Game association
off Dover Rd. in Boothbay
100-yard rifle range w/ enclosed shooting house; pistol range
Boothbay Region Fish & Game Association

# Bucks Mills Rod & Gun club
Bucksport Maine
100 yard Outdoor range.

# Buxton & Hollis Rod & Gun Club, Inc
Deer Pond Hollis Center
Bar Mills , ME 04004

# Calais - The Calais Pistol Club, 1 South St. (at the end of Dump Rd.), Calais, ME 04619.
Outdoor Pistol (25 yds)

# Castine - MMA Rifle & Pistol Range, Maine Maritime Academy, Castine, ME 04420.
Indoor Pistol (50 ft), Indoor Rifle (50 ft), Archery

# Chapman - Presque Isle Fish & Game Club, 1631 Chapman Rd., Chapman, ME 04757.
Outdoor Rifle (250 meters), Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays

# Columbia - Pleasant River Fish & Game Conservation Assn. Range, 2000 Tibbetts Town Rd., Columbia, ME 04623.
Outdoor Pistol (50 meters), Outdoor Rifle (100, 200 meters), Trap, Skeet, Airgun

# Dixfield - Webb River Sportsmen's Club, P.O. Box 551, Dixfield, ME 04224.
Indoor Pistol (50 ft), Indoor Rifle (50 ft)

# Eastport - Quoddy Rifle & Pistol Association, Jenny St., Quoddy Village, Eastport, ME 04631.
Indoor Pistol (50-75 ft), Indoor Rifle (50-75 ft), Rifle Silhouette, Pistol Silhouette, Archery, Airgun

# Falmouth - Falmouth Rod & Gun Club, Inc., 293 Gray Road, Falmouth, ME 04105.
Outdoor Pistol (25,50 yds), Outdoor Rifle (100 m,200 yds), Rifle Silhouette, Pistol Silhouette, Trap
Wetsite: Falmouth Rod & Gun Club – Official website of the Falmouth Rod & Gun Club in Maine

# Fort Fairfield - Fort Fairfield Rifle & Pistol Club, McNamee Road, Fort Fairfield, ME 04742.
Outdoor Pistol (50 yds), Outdoor Rifle (100 yds), Pistol Silhouette, Muzzleloading, Archery

# Fryeburg - Brownfield Game Management Area - Rifle Range, Lovewell Pond - Landing Road, Fryeburg, ME 04037.
Outdoor Pistol (50 ft), Outdoor Rifle (100 ft), Trap

# Guilford - Big Pine Gun Club, P.O. Box 6, Guilford, ME 04443.
Outdoor Pistol (200 M), Indoor Pistol (50ft), Outdoor Rifle (200 M), Indoor Rifle (50ft), Rifle Silhouette, Pistol Silhouette, Muzzleloading, Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays

# Hampden - Hampden Rifle & Pistol Club, Inc., PO Box 307, Hampden, ME 04444.
Outdoor Pistol (25,50 yd), Indoor Pistol (50 ft), Outdoor Rifle (to 600yd), Indoor Rifle (50 ft (rimfire only))

# Hermon - Hermon Skeet Club, Blackstream Rd., Hermon, ME 04402.
Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays

# Islesboro - Islesboro Sporting Club, P.O.Box 51, Islesboro, ME 04848.
Outdoor Rifle (100 yds), Rifle Silhouette, Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays, Airgun

# Jackson - Great Farm Rifle Club, Box 297 Hadley Mill Rd., Jackson, ME 04921.
Outdoor Rifle (50 to300 yds), Rifle Silhouette, Muzzleloading

# Kennebunk - Kennebunk Fish and Game Club, 85 Branch Road, Kennebunk, ME 04094.
Outdoor Pistol (25 & 50 ft.), Outdoor Rifle (50, 100 & 200 yds), Muzzleloading, Sporting Clays, Archery

# Knox County Fish & Game in Hope.
off of Rt 235.
outdoor 100 yard range.

# Lincoln County Rifle Club in Damariscotta.
it's on business rt 1.

# Lincoln County Fish & Game Club (Depot St., Waldoboro)

# Lyman - York County Fish & Game Association, 600 Goodwins Mills Rd., Lyman, ME 04002.
Outdoor Pistol (25 to100 yds), Outdoor Rifle (100 yds), Pistol Silhouette, Muzzleloading, Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays, Archery

# Monmouth - Monmouth Fish & Game Assn., P.O. Box 502, Monmouth, ME 04259.
Outdoor Pistol (50 yd), Indoor Pistol (10 meters, air), Outdoor Rifle (100 yd), Pistol Silhouette, Trap, Archery, Airgun

# New Gloucester - Royal River Rod & Gun, Fish hatchery Rd, New Gloucester, ME 04260

# New Sweden - Sportsmen's Inc. Range, 16 Capitol Hill Road, New Sweden, ME 04762.
Outdoor Rifle (100 yds), Rifle Silhouette, Pistol Silhouette, Muzzleloading, Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays

# North Berwick - North Berwick Rod & Gun Club Inc., P.O. Box 33, North Berwick, ME 03906.

Outdoor Pistol (100 yds), Outdoor Rifle (100 yds), Pistol Silhouette, Muzzleloading, Trap, Airgun

# Oquossoc - Rangeley Region Skeet & Trap Association Inc., Oquossoc Maine Ball Mt., Oquossoc, ME 04964.
Trap, Sporting Clays

# Orrington - Orrington Rod and Gun Club, P.O. Box 141, Orrington, ME 04474.
Outdoor Pistol (50 yds), Outdoor Rifle (200 yds), Trap

# Richmond - Richmond Sportsman Assn Inc., Club address 149 Alexander Reed Road, Richmond Maine.
Contact info: Jim Montz 729-4259
Range: 50 and 100 rifle, 50 and 15 yard pistol
Trap and Skeet on Tue. 3PM to 6 PM April to Oct.

# Richmond - Varney's Clay sports, 502 Langdon Road, Richmond, ME 04357.
Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays

# Sanford - Sanford/Springvale Fish and Game Assoc., Off Rte 109 - Airport Complex, Sanford, ME 04073.
Outdoor Pistol (25, 50 & 100 yds), Outdoor Rifle (25, 50 & 100 yds), Muzzleloading, Skeet, Archery

# Scarborough - Scarborough Fish & Game Assn Inc., P.O. Box 952, Scarborough, ME 04070. 207-885-0535
Outdoor Pistol (25 & 50 yds), Indoor Pistol (50 ft), Outdoor Rifle (100,200,300 & 600 yds), Indoor Rifle (50 ft), Muzzleloading, Trap, 5-Stand, Sporting Clays, Airgun

# Sidney - Arnold Trail Sportsmans Assoc., Pond Rd., Sidney, ME 04330.
Outdoor Rifle, Trap, Skeet

#Silverton Sporting Ranch
51 Webb Rd Canaan, ME 207-399-3647
5 stand and sporting clays Open 7 days a week Lessons and gun rentals available

# Skowhegan - Skowhegan Shooting Range, 30 Benchly Road, Skowhegan, ME 04427.
Muzzleloading, Skeet

# South Berwick - South Berwick Rod & Gunb Association, Route 236, South Berwick, ME 03908.
Outdoor Pistol (50 yds), Outdoor Rifle (100 & 200 yds), Trap, Airgun

# St. Agatha - Black Bear Rod & Gun Club, 230 Cleyeland Rd,, St. Agatha, ME 04772.
Outdoor Pistol (50 yds), Outdoor Rifle (100 yds), Trap, Skeet, Airgun

# The Penobscot Longrifles
New Sweden Road Stetson, ME
Contact: Bob Frappier in Stetson, Maine
Covered line. 25. 50, 100 yd range

# Topsham - Merrymeeting Sportsmen's Association Inc., Post Office Box 393, Topsham, ME 04086.
Indoor Pistol (50 ft), Indoor Rifle (50 ft)

# West Cumberland - Cumberland Rifle & Pistol Club, Blackstrap Road, West Cumberland, ME 04021.
Indoor Rifle (50 Foot)
Hours of Operation: Oct-April 3 eves/wee

# West Gardiner - West Gardiner Rod & Gun Club, 25 Rocky Point Drive, West Gardiner, ME 04345.
Outdoor Pistol (100 yds), Outdoor Rifle (100 yds), Airgun

# West Newfield - Northern York County Rod & Gun Club, Lewis Hill Road, West Newfield, West Newfield, ME 04095.

Outdoor Pistol, Outdoor Rifle, Rifle Silhouette, Muzzleloading, Trap, Skeet, Airgun

#Western Maine Fish & Game Club, Harrison, Maine
Trap, rifle & pistol
Private, Trap shoots open to public.

# Wilton - Wilton Rod & Gun Club, Wilton, ME

# Wiscasset Rod & Gun Club
off Rt. 27/Gardiner Rd.

# Woolwich - Bath Rifle & Pistol Club, Inc., 371 Montsweaq Road, Woolwich, ME 04579.
Indoor Pistol (50 ft), Indoor Rifle (50 ft), Archery
The Ancient Ones Of Maine are primarily a black powder club doing two rendezvous a year, a geezer shoot once a month and some times a .22 shoot. Our site is in Canton. Give us a google!
Any good gun clubs near Naples? I bought some land there and plan on building soon. Could be moving there soon after.
Thanks Bill

Norway-Paris Fish and Game is a little bit of a haul, but also goes out to 200yrd. They do a ton of trap shooting if that is your thing as well.
Is anyone here a current ,member of Scarborough fish and game? My company won't let me leave the state.. I am in need of a sponsor..

Many thanks!
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