Mall Ninja Operator pics w/guns

you two pillow-biters just memorize what all the male attendees of the shoot look like--from behind.

go ride bikes saturday and not shoot guns.

it's a joke, dude. atmay dressed up for my event, so i did as well. [cheers]

chest rigs and shit were in fact to carry ammo because it was a run and gun.

Second, about that run and gun stuff: As PowerJoker stated, magazine pouches, chest rigs, etc. are the best way to move, shoot and reload with multiple magazines. If all you ever do is shoot static positions at a range, then by all means, you don't need a chest rig or any other "tactical gear". Try running and gunning with magazines in your pockets and see how that works out for you before you start bashing it. And if you're running and gunning, you'll find jeans just don't work, so you end up with loose fitting cargoes... turns out BDU/ACU make great run and gun pants. Go figure...

Try wearing the mags on a belt, then you can go prone
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