Man's gun allegedly stolen from SFO baggage carousel: 'This is a nightmare'


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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A police trainer claims his gun was stolen from a baggage carousel at San Francisco International Airport and is blaming United Airlines for the dangerous mishap. The unidentified man has since described the situation as “a nightmare of anybody who owns a firearm.”

The man, who described himself only as "someone who trains police officers," is said to have a gun permit and alleges that he did "everything by the book" in terms of lawfully preparing his gun to be transported on a recent flight from McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas to the San Fran air hub.

The gun owner shared his story with NBC Los Angeles in an interview published Feb. 19.

Man's gun allegedly stolen from SFO baggage carousel: 'This is a nightmare'
I know the ‘feeling’...thought the airline lost two rifles of mine I brought down to Talladega a few months ago. When I got to ATL at 01:00, my rifle case was no where to be hour went by with me frantically asking people who I needed to speak with around the airport. Finally a security guard directly me about 30 feet away from the baggage carousel to the ‘oversized items’ office and there was my case. I felt like a dildo, but at least my rifles were safe.

I would have been furious if someone walked off with two of my favorite rifles though. Mostly because I wouldn’t have had any reason to go to Talladega any more.
I was always under the impression that checked firearms are supposed to be brought directly to the office. There have been several times where my gun case has been doing laps around the baggage carousel before I got there. It's not a high speed low drag case with stealth technology, just a Cabela's 2 rifle hard case. Would have to be a moron to not know what's in it.

I don't think I'll be flying with rifles any time soon. Once through American and twice through Delta.
I was always under the impression that checked firearms are supposed to be brought directly to the office. There have been several times where my gun case has been doing laps around the baggage carousel before I got there. It's not a high speed low drag case with stealth technology, just a Cabela's 2 rifle hard case. Would have to be a moron to not know what's in it.

I don't think I'll be flying with rifles any time soon. Once through American and twice through Delta.
No special treatment.
It goes on the merry go round like everything else. Atleast that's when it's in a bag, not sure if you check just a single firearms case (not that I would ever advise that for theft reasons)
I worked a British Airways flight at BWI. I unloaded the back Cargo Bay. At
each flight there is an Armored car to collect a money bag coming back from the UK.
This is the first bag that gets unloaded. Normally the Guards take the bag and drive off.

This night something happened near the front of the plane which took their attention
away from the task at hand. The Other baggage handler grabbed the bag and put it
with the rest of the luggage from that bay and drove off to the baggage claim area.

The Guards came up into the plane to look for the bag, But it was going round and round
the belt at Baggage Claim. After the Keystone Cops fiasco looking for the bag, a PAX agent
came out and asked if we were looking for the bag she was carrying. I believe the bag
holds a couple million in US currency per flight.

No special treatment.
It goes on the merry go round like everything else. Atleast that's when it's in a bag, not sure if you check just a single firearms case (not that I would ever advise that for theft reasons)

Was that for a handgun or long gun? My handgun has always traveled in with the rest of my luggage (post screening etc). But long guns have always traveled in a separate case. The first time I traveled for a hunting trip it was brought to the office and they checked my DL against the baggage info which seemed like a good process. Every other time the long gun hard case has been on the carousel.
I worked a British Airways flight at BWI. I unloaded the back Cargo Bay. At
each flight there is an Armored car to collect a money bag coming back from the UK.
This is the first bag that gets unloaded. Normally the Guards take the bag and drive off.

This night something happened near the front of the plane which took their attention
away from the task at hand. The Other baggage handler grabbed the bag and put it
with the rest of the luggage from that bay and drove off to the baggage claim area.

The Guards came up into the plane to look for the bag, But it was going round and round
the belt at Baggage Claim. After the Keystone Cops fiasco looking for the bag, a PAX agent
came out and asked if we were looking for the bag she was carrying. I believe the bag
holds a couple million in US currency per flight.



Pure AU
My scooby sense tells me this guy is somehow in the wrong, thinks opening his mouth will make things better but is too stupid too realize that he's only making it worse.

Why would he lie about this? Lol. Unless he didn't declare it or something.

Returning from a pheasant hunt in Kansas I had a direct flight home to Rochester NY. My gun case with Weatherby O/U took the scenic route. First to Orlando then to Pittsburgh where it spent the night. Next day I got call to pick it up at airport and it was sitting unsecured outside airlines lost luggage office not a soul in sight at lunchtime. About 10 min later guy shows up and we did paperwork. Making small talk he asked me what type of guitar was in the case. Seems he wasn’t familiar with a Weatherby 12
I have numerous times checked a long Pelican case with TSA locks containing “Samurai Swords” for training events. Once the counter agent said “You cant check these dangerous weapons.” I said if I could declare and check firearms why can’t I check swords? Another nearby agent said it was OK but she was pretty scared...
Was that for a handgun or long gun? My handgun has always traveled in with the rest of my luggage (post screening etc). But long guns have always traveled in a separate case. The first time I traveled for a hunting trip it was brought to the office and they checked my DL against the baggage info which seemed like a good process. Every other time the long gun hard case has been on the carousel.
Both. Handgun in suitcase have ridden the merry go round and long guns in larger luggage also the same treatment.
Was that for a handgun or long gun? My handgun has always traveled in with the rest of my luggage (post screening etc). But long guns have always traveled in a separate case. The first time I traveled for a hunting trip it was brought to the office and they checked my DL against the baggage info which seemed like a good process. Every other time the long gun hard case has been on the carousel.
now that I think if it, the only time I’ve traveled with a long gun it was in “oversized” luggage but ended up at the same over sized luggage pickup area with everyone else’s (sporting goods, large bags, etc)
My scooby sense tells me this guy is somehow in the wrong, thinks opening his mouth will make things better but is too stupid too realize that he's only making it worse.
Why would he lie about this? Lol. Unless he didn't declare it or something.
I assumed DPR meant it's a strategic error to go running to the MSM
to whinge about an airline having lost your gun.
The original link doesn't say what kind of firearm it was, so no point speculating about an oversized bag.

But, that said: hard-sided golf club case if you're carrying rifles.
I have never checked a gun. But in general I've always been horrified by how they deal with picking up your luggage. Literally anyone off the street (the doors to the street are literally right there a few feet away) can walk right into where the carousels are, pick up a nice looking suit case, and walk off. There is no checking, ever. Although I do recall once there was some airport (China?) where they made sure your stubs matched up with the tickets on the bags. I'm surprised more thieves haven't figured out this trick for some easy thefts.

So, what I do is make a run for the carousel as fast as I can after getting off plane. I'm usually the first one there so I get to see the first bag start making its rounds.
... in general I've always been horrified by how they deal with picking up your luggage. Literally anyone off the street (the doors to the street are literally right there a few feet away) can walk right into where the carousels are, pick up a nice looking suit case, and walk off. There is no checking, ever.

At least once in the 80's at Logan I've had a guard(?) cop(?) check stubs against luggage at the exit to the steel tube corral at one of the terminals. That's why the corrals exist - so that they can institute enhanced security.

The practice died off long before 9/11, though. However it's possible that any suitcase thief might need an exquisite sense of timing to get away with it nowadays. While random cars can stop for short periods directly opposite doors at the arrivals levels, it would suck to grab a suitcase, hustle for the door just in case the owner spotted you, only to find that your getaway car driver has been shooed away by a Statie from F Troop Troop F.
At least once in the 80's at Logan I've had a guard(?) cop(?) check stubs against luggage at the exit to the steel tube corral at one of the terminals. That's why the corrals exist - so that they can institute enhanced security.
On the one hand, I now understand the primary purpose of checked luggage stubs,
and so I keep them handy until we've exited the terminal
just in case we're gonna have to exhibit them.

On the other hand, since there normally isn't carousel security,
I don't screw around when deplaning.
The way to not be ripped off is to grab your luggage before thieves can:
At least one of us is constantly watching the carousel ASAP,
even if we have to swap duties to go hit the head.
I think the baggage tag checks only happen if there are problems... then they make a show of force for awhile or randomly and then stop doimg it....
I was always under the impression that checked firearms are supposed to be brought directly to the office. There have been several times where my gun case has been doing laps around the baggage carousel before I got there. It's not a high speed low drag case with stealth technology, just a Cabela's 2 rifle hard case. Would have to be a moron to not know what's in it.

I don't think I'll be flying with rifles any time soon. Once through American and twice through Delta.
Only flown once with long guns. My last trip from FL to NH, on Southwest. There was an agent at the carousel who checked my ID before having the handler send the case out onto the carousel.

I have numerous times checked a long Pelican case with TSA locks containing “Samurai Swords” for training events. Once the counter agent said “You cant check these dangerous weapons.” I said if I could declare and check firearms why can’t I check swords? Another nearby agent said it was OK but she was pretty scared...
Why would you use TSA locks? I'd treat them just like firearms and have non-TSA locks on them.
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